?    a& onforonce took place March 2.0 in Antonito botwoen 
'"ipstant District VtorestUor Uorr in charge of trazing in 
District 'i; Ascistant District Poroct-or llolson, in oharga 
of grazing Dictrict 2, 'JWLrorvisoTr Loopold of the Carson, 
Su-ervioor 73woitzor of tho Ric Orz-ndo, cnd Sunrorvisor 
BCard of -th:Io  J=a, for 10to'nur-poso of dieaousin(, 
inter-forou~t grazi.ig, rbo 
Ploarly all -ondinx; caveso havo nor. boon oloanod -up 
in this off ico. *'_2vorthiG )ointo to the fact that thlo 
ZfV I ZeaGOn Will 170r): o11t to Yvy ?,ood advantay-o this 
.Sictcant Diotriot Porostor 7rorr ae.oat from March 19 
'to 22 in tho.Tros 7 iodrvao offioo In the intdroats of' 
grazinG. Tho =~bjocts of division of r.-nC~o, trarnsLora, 
and tho intorprotetion o-T mriov xoguletion were tc'::on 
up a-t oonsidori,.blo lonath. 
Timber out in 'ob rwa r y  176,t600 feet B..x,  Valuo ;)48#'';*2o 
60pouts '*                30.00 
1W WY ~400 lin.ft~houoo logo                     ..0 
II~A It f9 oorde1                              7.25 
Total        ~5          25 
Timbor cold in 7obrvz.ry 375,000 foot B.1',     V;1lUO ,937.60 
WE TiU14 cords                                 3.50 
Totalc)4l 6 
The S3 . Good.-o, 5/15/11 o-lo has boon olosed. 7:6rk 
was irmodialt-oly bo'-un on tho*'. C. T-awton 11ll/Z 3  Gale. 
11r. J. C. 2iawton o . faitonaitot Colorado has esmiojmod control 
of tho outfit whioh d~id the wor'k on the (-oodo cc.lo. 
The wood and -oat sales have Tcallon off considerably 
dnrin,- tho last month, owinS to the l.atonoso of the coa- 
son probably. 
Inc uirioc aro beinC roooivod regarding the p~ossibil- 
ityj of oocuringC hewn tie cc.los on the .,%ax-111a Division, 
Noe ot'ch al.on have ha yet boonf w~do and no fixed _iolioy 
ontablishod fuartlir t'.hvn this, th hpA it is not docrnod boEst 
t o, .w: exc  1 o Clio a x ioro thor-o is aaa: tinbo r in zyamo It 
whose aalo       w vo- .d bo riatoxio.lly rotuoed by the .0.6l1 
of timbor of ipolo tio size. 