The Distriot Forester ban intrmed this offioo 
that  n *&I probability a Reoemaissanoo party will be asoigm 
od to this Poreost about June 1, to resume the work where 
left of lost fall. This is $pod news, and we earnestly 
hope   *t Wefore next winter roonnaisosnoe maps and data 
for the ontire Amarillo Divi ion will be available. 
The importanoc of a well loated and thoroughly 
posted boundary oannet be overestimted.    The effiolont 
administration of grasirng and June 11 work# and suooessful 
proseoution of trespass oases, as well as the general oon- 
sideration of a prootioal bgol_       *administration demand 
that oxw bouna4m es be   ramSits of m0on sense, and 
kept t   roughly. posted at all time. Material progress has 
boia wds in this line of worft   iing thepaet year, in that 
the Tlwor  marillo grant line h a      rrnd uA posted 
Cgm one end to the other, but the Individual offorts of 
the distriot rners have left much to be doired. 
8pofLo pane for bowadary posting on eaoh distriot 
wUI be taken,= wiuth you individu"lly in the fi ld s soon 
as p ssible* The poeting of a3ll boun6dy whdih does not 
-- Involve possible boundary @Ohargee 41ffiodI1t grant lines, 
or long strotahes of ivueyd tOeirttMrywill te 'loft IS 
the hands of the District USPro the swaindor will be 
traoed and posted by spooially qualified and eqipped bound- 
ary  rew as rapidly as the fun" allow, Tin boundary 
notios will be usod, set fao"IgM&# on posts osept w1hwer 
trees ore fotnd to fully anger pMe      pO 0 
In many *ams the Aesurate det*s""'0tiL of the 
bowder on twe or three prinoipel @t and the setting 
of substantial posts with tin notios      w    td hve 
eff eoted th. deired end at a UimS          iture of time and 
efforts bat suh ooe bave seldom be# e     e  advaute    of. 
The using of *o   ad ed of tto"~* S I                  mol 
lines as tnis is 1wat *a*e a ou"Os l fioelam 
In Distriot 0 m SOLpovvisor ba   eotv*xte. a 
system of open log gateweo on   ll "ain  oad. entering the 
Forests each Satoway being buns, wth asAll 'e~in& 1he 
na of the Forest. After pfassing tlwu& s      s  atoiray 
rxy mma ought ortsldl "now   wbs1ve= he to ato  As xoa4~ 
e~preaotioeble It L# p      to try out the ideaon thf.40 
Alaegt  OMitm      0muy of tin bo ndary jnc 
has beft rogslut,10004o In deo yOU h9ve net Anmj        Yvav 
1ie4.eneeds, jIa&W nae reip4etion60dna'