Supervisor Hall loft for his home in Orjgon on 
:larch 1I. The following letter was left by him for the 
"As I am leaving this Forest with the probability 
that I will not return, I wish to nay a word.or two lefore 
going and thank one and all for the support that has been 
given me in the difficult work of roorganizati , n and th so- 
lution of the many problems that have arison in oonneotion 
with the work, 
I wish to express to you my appreciation of this 
loyal support# and the best thing I can wish my successor is 
that the sane support will be given him, 
From my knowledgo of the personnel I feel that suooess 
awaits each and every one of you, and success in our chosen 
work is worth every effort and is the main reward. 
With my best wishes for the happinves and pros- 
perity of overyona, and with a grateful appreciation nf 
your assistance in the workp which has been cheerfully 
randored, I am 
Sinoeely yours, 
0. O, HALL, 
I think that we are voloina the sentiment of oaoh 
and every officer of this Forest when we saxpr'ess a feeling 
of regret at 11r, Hallts departure from the Carsono In bohalf 
of the Forest foroe, the PINE GONE extends to him sincere 
best wishes from one and all, It is hoped ttat the work 
whioh ho has so ably put under way may continue to progress, 
and that we the offioors of the Forests in our dealings 
with each other and with the people whom we serve$ may at all 
times be guided by a sinoore courtesy and firmness; and by 
the Oarson mott,,t 
The Oarson PINE 0ONE faunded by Supervisor Hall 
in Jine, 1911 will oontinue to be issued monthly# and 
its ob eot will oontinuz) to be as so ably oxprossaed in the 
first i Muet 
*It in hoped that when this OONE is opned 
it will soAtter seeds of knowledge. encouragement 
and enthuelaom among the members and create Interest 
in tho worka May thise seeds fall on fertile soil 
and each and everyone of them germinate, grow and 