In close connection with thin I he irbarium work, the 
aolloation o:V opooirnona oft all range plnt'o on& Stassoo 
on U6 F 1ioxect. Definite Vlona for tb *ill be mado 
la~ter. The 7iro Pl~a will coonl be dulo. ThO oontinuo(L 
anow fc.1l jromioeo well for the fire soc~con, but tho 
snort will by no mocan be, oxroted to replaco patrol 
and roGnlar1 fire ,%,rotootion afforta, Thoro arxo three 
or four poccible timber balao ibdoh it is hopoO. wi)ll 
matoricalizo in th6 Sp~ring ana if no bursinoob along this 
line will be bottor than 0ovor on tho Caroon. The o.- 
pootoO. arrival of 1:1r. Barris will greatly z'oliovo the 
aottlonont citucation. There ia no indication thct with 
the liatin" of the more doeireblo a~rioultural areas, 
the quost lor Poreat "~homes" becomes any the loos 3toon. 
GRAZ 1110 
Certain of the proooodinn o of the sixteenth anxiual 
ooflYontiofl of the American Nat ional Lino S3took~ Asso- 
oiation, vhioh took~ place at rhoonix, Arizonia, Januairy 
14 a.nd lf6 l9l5 aio of more than pcassing intoroat to 
Jorobt Ofhoore. At this convention Aesooiato Porosteop, 
P. . Potter d.eliTeord an address on cooperation in 
l~no!:.anagoment. The followiin pacaarw,,s are quotol 
"TAt this time it-might be well to call 
attontion to the oztont'ol tho forcgo rosouroqq 
In tho'national2 forenta, in ordeor ticat the in, 
portanco of their uno Ma7 be roclizodl Approzv 
Ima'toly 75 por cont of the national-'foroat lri~ 
or about 110,000,000 noroo 'tIs Ior may bo, uso4. 
f or the patrago of live a oaf, Tho lanO~e 
qoverod b7 the more o~on stcaido of timbor, tho 
owrpood~ slopes of othoraie6 timborod hills or 
moux-taina, the narrow vallp~~s alonp tho stroama, 
tho arose above timrn-lino, and the Out-ovor 
qr burnoCt-ovor aroaa all produce crops of for- 
d-o, ann. are    ±outi6arly dosirable gras±n 
C rotulae for octttlo, horses, I wino  io,   n 
Coate, during t]LO COoo Of tho' yoar wfixi t 
Vario-ap areas may sefoly be uped, 
Tl~o money value, of this forage qr~jp 
gnorous    Eaoh yQar the treaoury of the Unitq4 
4ao   to onriqhod 'tq tho oxtont of almopt ono 
mtjlion 4.ollarg~, whiohi  . paid by stoo1l jg~oo~p 
±Vqr tho priyilogQ og gr'azing thoir otog~c upon 
ijho national~.orost lanao, B141 jo54 thot9ol 
G*razod rnidoer permit rroduioop beef , muttonl wool 
JiiQ~os3 and pqel1p to t;19 'value 9f mpre tl'a tll4iv 
M 1lions of dollarp~ ThzoushouLt tjao w~TIP0v 
vtatos there ~    ~trorablo 0o' 0'='w4 too W-ap , P 
Wol1fare an4 gq;q~q ppppority are ylt;pJy 4qpq49jjV9 
xg *