'M . BImg~ mATMII P L 
iblAoT   hy. The District Forester maintains A list of 
works bearing on erosion and watershed problems, supplememnte. by a- 
special list bearing on such problems in the Southvest. Copies may 
be had on request by Forest Officers or others especnally intgrested. 
Govenern t Bullet ins.. The following Arq..,especially v luile 
for supplying information on the subjects indicated: - 
bna..a s With 
Irn i she d 
"Soil Erosion,' 
Erosion in 
the South" 
Bulletin 1234  Dept. of Agric. Check Dams  All F. 0. 
Circular 129   Univ: of Kj.    Terracing    Supervisrs 
Bulletin  180 -1 )    of Agrib. SO  . Physcs 
In D. 0. 
Readin Listg. Special reading lists, witb informntion oA howy 
and where the material is obtainable, are being published in the Ad- 
ministrative Guide. These lists include one on. Watershds- a . fosi-in 
especially designed for field officers w wvish -tp~post theiiselves ou 
the subject*                   * 
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Issued By 