An appropriate Cartoon impetsonating the Carson Fofst-- 
at th' date of this writing would be the familiar small boy with 
one hand reaching deep into an empty pocket, and labelled "Johnny 
again destitut.'1  During the past month it has been necessar, on 
account of lack of funds, to lay off both the boundary and tele- 
phone crews. 0o fNl, however, that considerable has been accom- 
plished with our now depleted funds. Thirty-four miles of 'phon 
line have been built; 51 miles of boundary retraced and posted; 
37 miles of baselines run; three stctions provided with pastures; 
three stition buildings repairod; one station building purchasee. 
and 270,000 acres have beon cruised and mapped by the Reconnaissance 
Crew. It is probable that funds will allow the Reconnaissance 
work to continue for another month, by which time 350,000 acres 
will probably have been covered. 
But the millenium of the ."Sunday School picnic"' has 
not yet come. There is plenty left to do. The Individual Allot- 
ments are not yet, ten delinquont grazers are still footloose, 
there arc tag-ends of 'phone lines and fences to finish up, count- 
ing corrals to build, three boundary changes to report on, and 
last but not least--there are the Free UsoV and the june !i 
applicant, whom we have always with u8. Se let us consider the 
chipmunk, and gst ready for wintor. 
SQove of the eight form oases for rangers' offices have 
been distributed during the past month. 
Eleven of the eighteen fire tool caches have been 
distributed as far as the dstridt headquarters. The final loca- 
tion of these tool caches should be kept in mind and discussed 
with rangers on adjoining districts. 
The Ranger E=4amination will be held at Tree Piedras, 
October 23 and 24 as planned-. 
Timber cut during last month, 360,000 ft. B,..., value, *945.67 
f    sdld  "     "    "             cords,      "   
One small, dead cordwood salo was approved during the 
past month on the Jiearilla District, for the use of the Sheep 
Dipping Vat near Carracas, Colo. 
This is a starter for dead wood sales for the fall of 
1911 and it is hoped that many more will be consummated before 
the end of the ye)ar. 
The cost kooping record for timber sales has proien 
vEiv'y succesSful since its inauguration on the Carson by Supervisor 
Hall. In fact this offiae woul& be entirely at loss without it. 
The coast of conducting timber sales for the Piscal Year 
ending June 30  1911, was found to be 41.04 per M. ft. B.M., which 
is somewhat higher than $.72 per Y. ft., B.M., the average costs 
for all Porests in District 3 for the same period. 
Since the first of June this cost has been reduced to 
per M. ft., B.-., for the entiro Forest and the District 
Forester has been assured that it. ii1 not oxcoed W.5 per. ft'