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September 16,0 1912. 
P~ersonnel Orlerem 
11r. Ald~o Leo14* 
You are hereby authorlszd and ci-j.reotc& to proocod from   F4 ee No
mA to T"UM79 v~. U. for L e Ptlwpofe of holdin~g aoonferenoc with the
:n)mttrl.ot Fnrenter on pertomber 
2 and 3* and to rrn to s'nta re for the transoation of offioial bualne~ct
OL  eptormber 3 ani 4, 91 
The expeneou to be Ineurlad~ IndAer this letter of instraot-Ions v~hiob w~ill
be oharged to General Expenses, Toreet Servino, 1913, Carson Wattional ?rest,
must be In striat ooniformity with the fisoa3. regcilation" of the Aepartment
of Agrioultture 
Very respeotfitily, 
I ,' 
Aot Lng Dintxr4ot ?ooeter. 