Letter 3/7/1%". and letters 11/1i/0 90 lP/ 
Looked tip condition of' sruveys in th orna to be Covr;". 11a dion-ram~
showing thtit range ltine between 11s. 29 And 3o   was surveyed, dnto 1nr1dPinite,
vprobrbly abo~ut 1883 tes Outhrio Miates. 2i-.ds 'Mr, bmse line surrosedly
1-1/2 mi41es west of this rang~e line and 1-11/2 miles~ north Aind 5-1/2
Tiles west of sections In T. P .. i- / 30 *.'. survyed in 1904, wvrites thpwotl.;
thrit neatrest int where lie oan ahp.ok base 
is~i to extend It south 18       tlil 1-/2 in stra~ight line) 
to, ,ae lins whIch was well aurveyed. Ranger "thatitley finda seeti
n oorns)- on rnee aine i ear end of bt'ee line during winter f'ollowing.

LAnce iLeopold m~ust httvc h.,n(rrn Prom th  :rs he hazd with him t-t f~e*
L   t'rW work wss done thtL thies rringe line was8 supp~osed to have bs#.r
ru;;, %ithy did he not extand his line 1-1/s. mlles _?Nrthr-r east zinJ try
to pick it up~?  '"n can Yonrf*ly    io)   n~ eiri  u n Ie a li%6 v
 :ry ifw Ii a ; r #ce at 1.y b Itaze by riding or walking a~sunlly ovt'fr
the ^.Mwitry whots it 1.9 supnosed to br iociated. And if he coulJ inot p'ie!"
up ti.', rirat rainge I In-,,, i did he, rip',t,, ex trc  I s )vse M lnp
a ppr x 1mt eIY 
8 niihs *suthfe-irnstwitrd to chce on t.-;e recent varvey inr '7, 2 N,.t
R', 3., ~ of~ 19k"4Y There wany kw~bern topogra-%hic re a sonis loQ
explifletion is -side etlh' in e(orrcospondenoe or