D  (0) 
Personnel                                Deoember 15, 1913. 
Leopold, Aldo 
Mr. Aldo Leopold, 
101 Clay Street, 
Burlington, Iowa. 
Dear Leopold& 
Your letter of Lecember 10, with enclosures, was received shortly after I
had dictated a circular letter containing information which apparently has
a direct bearing 
on your case. A copy of this letter is being enclosed for your information.
It appears from th . Secretary's decision which had previously been approved
by the Attorney General that Injury must come from an accident and not from
a disease. 
It Is my understanding that when the case of the ranger was transmitted from
this office it was largely for the purpose of determining whether the broader
construction of the Act would apply. 
I am very sorry indeed that you have been caused any inconvenience or trouble
by reason of filling out the forms and I feel sure that you will appreciate
that under