For each elk ........   ................. $200.O 
For  each  deer ................................ 50-00 
For  each  antelope ........................... 100,00 
For each mountain sheep ...................... 
For each mountain goat ...................... 20000 
For  each  beaver ........ ..................... 5C 01 
For each bird .................      ..... 10.00 
For  each  fish ................................. 1.00 
No verdict or judgment recovered by the State in 
such action shall be for less than the sum in this 
section fixed. Such action for damages may be joined 
with an action for possession, and recovery had for 
the possession, and also the damages therefor, afore- 
said.   Neither the pendency nor determination of such 
action nor the payment of such judgment nor the pendency 
nor determination of a criminal prosecution for the same 
taking, wounding, killing, or possession shall be a bar 
to the other, nor affect the right of seizure under any 
other provision of the laws relating to game and fish." 
"The State Game and Fish Warden shall keep a re- 
cord of all moneys received and of licenses, c)rtifi- 
cates, permits and tags issued by him, numbering each 
class separately, and upon satisfactory proof that any 
license, certificate or permit has been lost before the 
expiration thereof, he may issue a duplicate therefor, 
fox which he shall collect a fee of one dollar. 
The State Game and Fish Warden and License Col- 
lectors shall charge and collect the followin fees: 
For each big game, bird and fish license, resident.'6.. 
........ .. . .. ..0. ..... . .4..... . . . .. . . .. . $ 2.o0 
For each big game, bird and fish license,non- 
resident ........................................ $30.00 
For each big game, bird and fish license, 
resident-alien .........40....................... 30.00 
For each big game, bird and fish license, non- 
resident-alien .............................  ..... 55.00 
For each non-resident bird license .............. D0.00 
For  each  gaide  license..... . ........ .............. 5.00 
For each big game license, resident ....... ........ 1.00 
For each bird license, resident ................   1.00 
For each general big game and bird license, 
resident .................. 0.. ................... 1.50 
For each big game and bird license, non- 
resident .... ................  .................... 25.00