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*  0     0          utebon %tate Voawrhm n1 o     grcukuxe, 
SW'1Tbe offlepor erauieyev reco4fTinthi;Aerowa.Itatemegt  WiLl #Itill tprely
 1onadeplnAI miiatyt&heA aio 
AL.oNLW.s1tKt *AIHQETO.ID1T*O,       NT   ETNT--I. Z-1 Va               
,Yhvhef     )kerxt       STAoAe&,,r bornn  F ----S kmedaey ~h dp 
*~~        ~    C UN                   ----------s~sD~rtnu  f  RlutuB  ~
ingA  .C.I  rsea~prto  ~qvsln 
If VO  41P 0de ofMTfg S ift,  h&7 Aslq ptu e o  et7trno  h  ntdSaP-----------What
OvfWptia   s prAOVH  QJTIW  W04AT  OF  04 A EAIN 
Wr                      a is  eGt  a t. ~   eA na r  t of l    w t-  F  -i
  - - - - - -  - ~  -  - - - -  
Wfatv~jtio, fo*, r pf&.io"heiv yo ben pin OW~yeftilp inow aWOO ofiw)W~t
a*Wto W~kt 4 
If Naeie' ar f o'*gs 79t, .ve r~ c btetione Glaide 440f4 the Jt~d yan* wh
int-ma  Wihf  oM  f 
2  eepkfiil, mriwd~t~@e, or  dieoretd------------0 
In wppat apact demMyio?w  ------------e.~ 
ok    a re f  your is ar r~ oyiu'hich y o/ a vyd Z *N e~ a~p m d ----  --------------
---------------- - -.00 
Ar ise te rwdmve9..ba 0?-zt e~reP ioft U.E aSe Nfvf ande wi  wa hi wbe e
dicaueWfq-d nb  -1 pnsaei 
Va Pt eeeiwve t*1san from the4'orrNavy of heU~te Sate  tw               
--fW det~ is ru  A~ern~ti the  Armyt~  oPoyy y u  e s hf- ------------ 0----------0
 -----------------  -  1 ------~ 0 
VMau ..om te  pay~i of th  retlier  sred    in t e . . 5 . r rtzj cb andf?
jt  As  raly driate   Asd thereeor P. *--Are, mote thear aviltwopuh have,
ifK een emly nthe U. .N 4.ad ~  weaso hofr~~ diricare~&rfob 
r;"m~  ears altogethe ro tave  gtu erve  i  ofy thie diep Satet o hse
Goe-mw  -----r   ----  0 
h*et ofdetirpa &ad an fthe amoetit  inoPi you~~so  Ir. . 
a    H~Nowbi o thiew 44toe i whave' you reenedod~nte  U.---  Nay.o  s~~L
  fA utre? -- a  a 
AT* o. a Breaurs iin aloete hav itu heepa ent arw1~ij~e yo apotie n Goemployed?
 IF oia 
*jhad salttry  Avve you  byp this, yoi  iutest,                 ----------------------i.
 -  .'Wiat is the kind or  e*&racter ol yomr work during vffi~ial lours?
 Riu  i  .,,c~ 0~4  g  i~c-~~ 
ISig it  ,o ir  w onIte  frf u  n  tlpis kiie.f  -----------  c    ruL  
-----------J   ---