The news of the birth of Aldo Starker Leopold on October 23 
arrived just too late for the last issue of the Pine Cone. 
Heartieot congratulations are oxtendod to Supervisor and -'rr. 
Leopold. All the Carson Officers anticipate meeting Aldo Starker. 
Acting Supervisor ;'arsh went to Santa Fe November 31M for a 
brief conforenco with District Forester Ringland. Ho had the 
ploasuro also of calling upon Deputy Supervisor arnall - who 
foe two years or so had the privilege of being assigned to the 
Carson,- in the now office of the Poses in Santa Fo. 
Forest Clor-: Carr was transforod Chiricahua Forest, hoadollartors 
at Safford, Arizona on Yovomber 5. This tranisfr was offected 
becau-o of the cxcoodingly poor winter acconodationa available 
for 'r. Caor's famwily in Trou Piodras. The best vishos of the 
Carson So With then to that sunnier and Trarmor olim3. 
"r6 Charles G. ITnan was assigned to the Carson on "ovembor 5 
as Clork to talo :.r. Carr's place. This is "r. Innan's first 
venture in the Forest Servioe and the Pine Cone eztends to him 
a heart: wolcoe. 
Cl0rk ic Chapran is onjoying a well earned vacation at 
her hono in TucLxnoari, i. ">ox. 
Rangero Barlor, mdorson, and Darrah aro bac on the lob 
after ta:ing rorio of their annual leave. Ranger Lynch also took 
two or three days during which he made a fly/ing trip to Taos. 
Aseistant District Forestor '.oolsoy spont about ton da'T on 
the Carson in November, du:--in, 'hich tino h, called at all the 
District Vanger headquarters o::copt CanJiln and Jicarilll. 
Lunbor-an Unme c pent a few days on the Ainarilla ZAviuion 
in Novombor. 
Assistant Forester Adzaes spent Thanl:giving in Trnu Fiodracs 
-- on official businces.