IMPROVEMENTS , Continued. 
2   The making of certain repairs and additions to our Lookout 
equipment, which will probably consist of, in part at least, 
of carrying 'phones to Gold Hill and Old ,ike by using emergency 
wire; The construction of proper protection for 'phone boxes; 
And the installation of Protractors, which will probc.bly be 
used this 7oar entirely unaided by the conass. 
o The actual construction of the Telephone Line fron,  an Antone 
t. to Ortiz and ,ntonito. 
4  If the present investigation of the possibility of water 
suppl> in Tres Piedras indicatos anything favorable, the 
dovoloperent of a proper water supply for the Forect Officers 
and their stoch. 
The proper posting of the Carson Forest vith Road, Trail, 
and Lntrance signs. This work: will be undertaken this winter. 
Taos District. 
The demand for Frec Use pnr Iits has not abated. 
The .weather is favorable and the roads arc good, so the 
people are"naking hay while the sun shines". A nurnber of Free

Use pernittoeu have put in about 90 days labor in all, and 
have built a road in Canada loc Ranchos. This opens up an area 
whore wood, posts and poles are available, and that within 
Sniles of Taos. Thoy are to be conmended for this. 
".r. Co:: has traded his sa*.: ill to J..7-Barry of Rio Pueblo 
for lunber, so uo dont anticipate being over TorJ:ed at scaling 
logs this winter. Tb.4 o wor2: ho-vaoer, in cornection "vith this 
sale has never been burdonzoe. 
Tho last bunch of perritted sheep to leave 
the ountains, started for the lilano on Nlov.11. 
Just one continual round of pleastro -- and then oomes the 
Grazing Applications. 
Note. These letters were recieved last month and would have 
published if the Pine Cone had issued.