amount and disposition of fines and witness fees. If 
the Forest officer prosecuted the case, and if a con- 
viction was secured, a copy of written request to the 
Justice concerning remittance and crediting of -itness 
fees or parts of fines should be attached to the report 
or embodied in it (See Par. 27).   The Forest officer's 
expense account, if any, should also be attached. 
The Supervisor will keep one copy of the report, 
and forward the other copy and the expense account, if 
any, to the District Forester.   The District Forester 
will decide whether the expense account shall be paid 
by the Forest Service as a "nominal sum" or transmit- 
ted to the State Game Warden.   The District Forester 
will transmit to the State Game Warden the Forest of- 
ficer's written request concerning disposition of funes, 
together with a statement of the facts in the case base 
on the Forest officer's report. 
In preparing these reports the Forest officer 
should keep their object in mind, and regulate the 
length and the amount of detail accordingly.   The ob- 
jects of these reports are : (1) To ascertain whether 
cases are being handled efficiently by Forest officers; 
(2) To record credit due; (z) To ascertain whether 
state officers are doing their duty; (4) To insure the 
proper disposition and crediting of funds. 