I got u little detail 
To the Supervisor's shack 
And I hadn't lit in Springer 
T1il I wished that I was b ak 
On the fur end of my distriot, 
Counting stock or building trail, 
For to work inside an office 
Is like doin- tinme In jail. 
This bending o'r a table, 
And a writing all the day, 
Is a wakrp me himp-shouldered, 
And my hair is turin 7r~y. 
It shore will be wy finish 
If they don't relieve me soon, 
Vor my bewhis',.ered, sunburnt foetures 
is gettIn' paler then the moom. 
Some may rapt and cuss a little 
And feel they've got c snob 
Cfause thoy haven't been -r-imotea 
To a SuDervisor's Job, 
But I'd rather face the devil 
Or a bEId-fuoad grdzzly bear 
Than this everlasting torment 
In u   ,   'uspWW s svel chair. 
I thought that I had troubloes 
1hen on my district all alone, 
But I've found that serious trouble 
,as a thing I'd nover known. 
o.en I vit back on my district 
You chn bet your life I'll Stay, 
And be thbn'ful to ny Maker 
I can draw a rw'per's nay. 
Anache Uational ,orest.