(Chapter and Paragraph)                            (Page) 
16. Text of New Meziao Agreement .   ...      AS 
17. Action on Discovering a Violation .... .68 
18. What Constitutes Undue Interference with 
Forest  Work.   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  ...  .  68 
19. What Constitutes a Flagrant Case. What 
Cases May be Overlooked  Warnings.. * * .69 
20, Liability of cape    ........          . 69 
21, To Whom to Report Violations. . . . . . . .70 
22. How to Report Violations .....        . .71 
23. Personal Status of Officers Making Arrests. . . 
24. Procedure in Arrests, . . - , .     .   . # .72 
25. Witnesses and Evidence. . . .          .   .73 
26.  3eizures and Search Warrants. . . . . .  .4 
27. Procedure in Trials. .    . . . . . . . . . 75 
28. Report of Results of Prosecutions ....      76 
29. Reimbursement for Expenses. . . . . . . . .78 
30. Violations outside of Forest Boundaries, 
on Private Land, etc. .   . . . .   . . . .80 
31. Indians, Legal Status on National Forests .81 
32. Procedure in Appointment as Deputy State 
Game  Warden  . . ..  .  .. . . ... . .. .  82 
33. Appointment as License Collector. . . . . .83 
34. List of Regular Wardens in and near the 
Forest.  .  .  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  . .   .   .   .  .84 
35. List of License Collectors in and near the 
Forest  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  .  .  .85 
36. Justices of the Peace and U. S. Commis- 
sioners in and near the Forest. . . . . . .85 
37.   Selection of Areas .. . . . ....       . 86 
38.   Objects of Refuges.. * * * , * . * o *  e  87