Additional tentative appications for sev6rc.l thousafod 
head are on file, but cn"y a art if any can be cxpecte& to 
Sheep applications have chown many curious v6riations 
from district to district. On the whole the domandis 
lighter than last year although fi.r more than sufficient to 
fill the allowanoes of the several districts, and is in 
goners.1 further characterized by very hec.vy dbmands for 
incroacos on the part of Class B outfits, which of course 
ca~n not be grUanted undor the rogulations. Very ew and" 
very light sliding scale outs have been found necessary, 
mainly on aocout of no demand for Clacs .' increase, or 
in one district, Class B volumtary reductions below bhe 
cutting limit. 
Goat appliocation' reflect th6 unstable character"of 
this branch of the stock industry. llany complications have 
arisen over the status of 1912 proferonoes: whther as goat 
herds or marzers.  loxt year this *difficulty will be obvia- 
ted by a dofinite record for 1913, it being the plan to 
cover goat hords with oparate porits. 
Tha.t taking up slack under the rogulttiono is an ef- 
fective method of reduction to stocling, has been 
cxnply demonstrated this year. Vor the first time the 
regulations for fully btockeod Porosts have been rigidly 
apl-lied, using 6ach district as a unit. As a result the 
approvals balance lihe an accoumt book. Tabulated figures 
summ.rizing the status and action on all applications to 
dato, are shown on the following pce. 
Practiclly all the slaci. gained has been fro. 
voluntary rolin:-uisunenta and volxntar:  roe uc4 ions, ro tuct - 
ions on trcrnsfors being a minor factor. The irmyortc-nce of 
a strict aoprlic,tion of rogttlation O-1Z is shown, howevor, 
on tho UanJilon, where volut.ory slack o vailable was negli- 
giblo, and at the time badly needed. The application 
of (F-15 to some speclative divisions of outfits aresulted. 
aftor 'all inia showing on the reduction figure for 
the district. i1"ugor Shartzer deserves credit for Lzeop- 
ing cocurate tab on these rather elusive trtnzoctions. 
Tobo wolVes have boen active on the Tuscs and in the 
horeno Valley. They have been o: orating extonsively on 
colts and cdl~es. Sevoer).l 4ave been woundeC, lat only one 
killed so far. Those wolvos evidently mo~od into the 
country last fall from some outside point, the Tusas bond 
first oplerrating on the Burrr-cho and aftoeward moving to the 
Tusas. At a latbr date the bcxnd on the i.esa 7iejos last 
summer moved out. 