application is accepted, so it may be that the Jlctrilla 
District -till begin to redeem itself, and come up r4th 
some of the other Districts of the Carson Forest. At 
any rate I hope so, for I would like to see It come to 
the front and show that it can be self-supportin, toot 
Llthouqh if the west bound&ry line that is rocormende 
is established, the grazing fees 411l more than pay the 
expenses of the District. 
Here's hoin ' th&t we %Ill all 'e at the Run-ers 
meetinr some time next month. 
San Anton Diatrict: 
Sheep dipping Is about over with ue moat of the 
dip-ing toot p lace at Crtiz thio year -Ad caused a Rood 
deal of extra -orkr but ;e  ll try arA rcko different 
arrangenents next time. 
S,.o have had Bevoral heL:vy frosts Lnd a freeze or 
two. Tbe  heop hrders hrve 1 ogrd to ct rostloeb cnd 
crowd the dead line but thoy-will have to stt nd it - 
short tine londor w our fall range ii very chort. 
1r. Russell is doing the San kitone Lookout stunt 
and taUing care of the st:rialls too, which koops him 
pretty busy. 
Haying is ebout done on the Stn ,,ntoto. The crop 
w~a very short, but ras put up in -ood sharpo. 
The natives heve commenced to-move out of here for 
the winter. 
Superviscr Leopold sopent a couple of days in Stnta Po 
Curlng the weok of Soptoboer 1. 
=r. Frederic leopold left laFst Zl for his home in 
Durlington, Iowa, 6fter scrding      few wo)-:s w,,ith hiu 
brother  Supervisor Leo pold. We hope thit ho will decide 
it vieii the Carson tEvtin next' oaer. 
Deputy Supervisor 11arrie left the Oarson Scptomber 2 
for te Ditrict office, after v15ting for a short time 
in Willsten, Okla. We mias the gonial presonco of the 
Land ,::Y.nInor, as well ts )is splcndid vork, and our lost 
wishes go with him In his now field of labor. 
Assistrnt District Di-ineor Vahu of the District office 
is spendirnr a fow.deys on the Carson.