Porosit Oloelz Tfoffo~'1e )ns ea.nouncod his into-ation 
of   (_ ,ei~nn  from~ tho Oorvioo in Macrh. 
2orost Cloi'r .7:io Lillicni >:.Zthor1:,ad rotiirriod to 
hor pouition in the Carson Offioo early in 2robruinrly. 
and a welcome to Us         IHor ozo ollont won:,- is 
moro than over a-p-rodi-atod 0-ftor hor absonoo. 
~Juhe~aDo,,Oeut,--r _uorvisoar  C leric 
Pfofforlo, aind v party of Troo Ti'odrane attondod a Valentino 
dance in .lamooa on 17obxiuwrv 14. 
Rtangars Ba,-r!:er and Lnhhavo droppe: d in atl- iFoad- 
quexrtors duzing the paelt noxith. Mri. Lyncoh assistod in 
the classifioation of shop applioations from his district.* 
It may bo n good plan for all distriot mon to be dotailed 
to th; office for this -urposo ,io~t year. 
iRa-ngor ,'hatzorlo District Ilowa Itom failed to mah:o it 
across the moro on the Ell Itito Divide. Tho snow rill 
mlt in S~ig 
Ra&ngenr HlulbortI c District 1'owo Item vias drovwned in -tio 
Rio Grande, on routo to Tres 2"iodrac. Roeuo partiou will 
be or~lnnizod no:-t nonth. 
GuarC ITe-rrs District !Tows Itorn is stiick in the snow 
with theo Chile 1-,tlor on the Oumbros rans. The -.otary Snow 
Plow will be rented from the D.C, R.G. next month. 
Guard Lynch' Distriot !Tw Itom was otolon by a 
boavor and cartiod down an &irholo in the, broad Bosom of 
the 3,an .Xtn.The Hydrogr24%hor trill chop him out on his 
next Ar:' 