B. B' 'fiead moebo  of the c~oeral Poreojts w7orking~ 
it t1x.AL for r.. 1ir.itoa time anC a-o-mri:i pmz.1l arcao.  The 
-'an:or this District is that it ablmnJJ be tknu    nti      a 
b-- all P'ore--V ac sonn as *'oririblo vithont waitLy; for genoxvl. 
roco-nn"-i:svnce b-~ v. ~v.t.T o ifde . ;iB..-that naartrculaxly- over.6

grazed ar.~,or lin~ited aroLao co:-cerning wihich it in pcaiti- 
cnlcx2.-- CoszirJlo to icvo raore dlefinite informtiozt, crch "A- 
acac;z Cdo,iroe. fAor onocial n:.e -,nui-no o., cand aroaw: snuch a-s C ,e

cial . u;e nasturem alre,-d-T in use frron NPhich d:.tc Orem be ce-' 
cured for deter taiin0 r7i2   0aLhit?,8i11 be examined firs 4 
r. or(aor thct the wrriors Porost     rv rinors irn the 
Di!-triot siiorld bo mado flaniliar with this a rh -,art.:j for the 
,ur-,o.--o o:1 iaitiatinr ito heir roo;'eotive 111=.ets, four 
mootin~r3-, e. oh la,.tinZ, a wooeh- o:: moro, were h-old thiz -,r-Lee- 
tohort taio district u.ndor the dii-ectio~i of v. Grazinr ~~ 
inor; one or a~notheor of which waoi cattended b*, eacoh '.)-.eri 
in IAhle . ''.t    0: !3 of the moetings wras held on th'l.o j-.-az 
2; cv~t Crinr  the :iddle of A, ^no. r  -vor!, waa iu?.er the 
diroctior of   ail   h.:ixrD*D. 11- C. and meB attended b-r 
Svr',orvV-or 1.17ar.hoT tlhe Jonoz, "eoor3, :T.-,coln Lza C ri':on,
tiol              of. i-as'tuctim. ma tu..t of ;~ i~tl.1 mon 
actU.a.7l.  ,o int o the ~iold cz,. ro -EioCho o1':t4r o OVtine 
~.. ..o  or A.  ..,'r a oo~tai- cmouit o,:r tL4i'*, t:ie off ice end 
was~ ~ ~ ~   ~~~~E ::~o r~dto  o.il~in  or eot.'..!, oto. maCe. 
_ Coail,~ o ti     okono      be tvi-on u-. heoc brt in qenoral 
it nr-  1~ )0bid t::  the wl ni of work ic  iil- to 1txct o- tim- 
beY rcoo-1t411i% 7oe.  .t co v tim'bor rcoo-:.m.iomnco to orar.,to, 
~ i..~i~o~d~avail,,,blo it ico :.   are> rvdditionrj L 
articvlz "..m to v-tor or.-::                :Cic  it:' 1) 7 d1 iono,

othoa-~C,        1 c: .1L 0~ oV int rU.  n. nnor IM-t fgoing t-row 
o,. c o 'at ion 'brtv tw77i e.  o.~o  l~ovi- theo miino t:-e'f, i r 
rv0d-" --%o ho dr-c.j &-a-inod i,. oro. av wfil oitcble 
U- Lot 0;irmu.'tio:. of  t._e ~v.rOT 117OT- ..roac" Ui on:'-v iu 
lcar - .,c  !.10: C~ '   001tio1 Or rV&'zi';uiit.  1, forr_!-o cro 
is a W.10rotio-G, --tero wihiol. ic:. full- 1r0tooheld witli:nr Iva.IVIo

.or;, e.  3   ~iltrd: of .:'.ov. are. s ouclh cas ~      rin 
whih ~otv~.nu:,Yfor Of ltoak !-razod is k~iovm, the i~mbor o' "for-

&!-e acroc,"         --rvre  or hol . ma-y %o detminecl.  141 1

ctrr-e o  V:o wacit. o :,0f ev 4"- rCU~no.n-A 
7.c -.oed 'for z'anre roe onnc.i'c: -e it, of cou-lo much 
ro aC k;(3r 0~ 1z~~  full!! or ovor otocl-ci"  CL i U~x su',  e on-

P.; v: 0o .0        3 , good Dt a~ 1r;; :UO a~t          r 
oo  duriw% the -o.1*ield ;.oasoz. 
A~  e  eoo caronae moctirr! *    ~t -   t D-ricat- 
?cr o: o r Ka rr took o-ne ea  in which to go ovor thoroug.Lly and 
an  arri'v=n_-c  a  9o-f5e9T-1~~r   A 
w*"ich, ezi-. i  rzn   c.mntrtiono