are not able to make reply, say so, that it doesn't apply en 
your District, that it is not available or whatever the case may 
be. Otherwise the man reading the reply does not know whether 
the point has been overlooked, whether it does not apply, or 
what; and in case this ins a Supervisor, who has to compile the 
information for the District Office he loses time in re-writing 
to the field man and is unable to get his report in by the 
specified time. 
In case oircumstanoes make it impossible to get a roquested 
reply in by the time set, by all means write the Supervisor 
stating the reason why and upon what date reply will be made. 
This stvos a letter from the Supervisor and gives him something 
to work on. In owee he has a report to make depending upon 
that of the field man he can definitely change his date and 
inform the District Office ac-ordingly. (every time a Supervisor 
feils to get a report to the District Office on time he Ias to 
furnish this information) . 
In case reply is made by 'phone do not, fail to make proper 
notation in your file to it~icte thise. If it is a matter of, 
importance you should receive a memo from the Superviso cover- 
ing it. However, he may overlook this and you want a record in 
your files. 
As a final cantion, the matter of making oorrespondence 
brief may be overdone; as stated before it should be adequate 
but no more. No quarterly grazing report, unless under very 
unusnal conditions, serves its purpose of giving the Supervisor 
a proper knowledge of grazing conditions on a District if no 
more than a page in length; at the same time it should never be 
continued beyond the point where it is stating definite, perti- 
nent inform.tion on the subject in hand. 
A meeting of the San .Atone sheep men has been appointed 
for October 28 in Ortiz, Colorado. The object of the meeting 
is to take up the matter of grazing administration end to en- 
deavor to adjust differences of opinion and causes of dis- 
satisfaction between the permittees and the Forest Service. 
The District Office will be represented by Assistant District 
Forester Kerr, in charge of grazing. This meeting is to a 
certain extent the result of a petition on the part of numerous 
unullotted permittees Pgainst a system of allotments on the San 
.Axtone. This method of adjusting grrzing matters is in line 
with the policy of the Service of making grazing permittees 
settle disputes, and matters of dissatisfaction, themselves 
as much as possible. 
The storms of the latter part of September gave a decided 
impetus to the movement of sheep from the high country and 
from the Forest. This was perhaps severest on the Taos Dis- 
trict, whore two sheep herders were frosen to death. 