Lootit Gudsrn. 
S~i AZtorna irookort, C".as. !;. 01 beft   Ortiz, 0010. 
C&njilon Lo-j':oi:U',  Joe IcilimTr. Canjilon, *r 
Gold E±.rl Lookort  Gaar,-e 1l-utz,      Qet~     T 
Tao0l Loo"_ortU     IRoZ Van G,.Idor      Taosp E.: 
JUico-,az V~eil                             40iz  Cb 
G. 'U. Webber                            --m orIcAui.&o , IT 
Jose-ia S.Uthers                          ZLmiett, iT. o. 
ViLotor Ortega,                           Valleeitos,  . .* 
G                a~jne.  it i..f-tlie opinmio:: o-" the 
tioncl AIo Or ..ad. b~. te   oi:;t'L hia.- now: beeeo:  ~ro 1la 
tLit vworl whe-ro fuzrther vrrc.blo nrogre&e de'!eila ir'on a, 
37cr~ortic c-tuLr of11 the . "Tax1-- reIoiivrcoL 
in td-e rnnmEmaeet o  r,;n,-,o the -Zlrst =nin -)oi-t,- 
wlxIol -.rise k-.re- 
1. T:...e class of -tw7.;- to w~pic' eacoh uni~t of 1,-e 
or Crc,, o-.L r=-e is best ada't ed, v.11 f'ctUrL ccnIee 
T;-e  o riod duzing  1~o &-o  r.A t :a- t e "ze 
x.'ithcout int12x-, to the r. n--e, Poxa'e't r? Zaeic 
~he rv~e, ~.~:-o~ o ~ '7aterso...z at xer,_o i  veeor 
~u~eeT~r nq  :                                C rr.Z forv'-  tile ~o-~:e

ae r. nbiit;-  or water-:e   c.-,  -Ci       tjo 
=eTabe --oort. of C,. ai wz brtr; 
Di r-1 a- au t  we ;CeirJ -      Terent k3&rd  e   twollSi  o-rL.  yT

iT L~c    a wi o r'-- ofr= rewcn~i!;anoe wcrtie!-ii.72inco 
an eiitire 2orest or unit of a . :orert as one -rojoct. .The 
%T.o-,ya and Coconino 3'orects h;zve 1.een oo'reroa. in thic wtay.. 