Timber out during last month, 246,000 ft.,B.M., value  373.34 
"   sold     "         "    4,000 Fence posts   " 
24 oords firewood) 20C-.50 
Number of sales made during the last month, 7. 
.The short t-orm agreement for unadvertised timber 
sales has now been supplied to all of tho field officers. 
Since it is desired to have this form used experimentally 
for a short time, any recommendations you might make con- 
cerning the improvoment or use of it will be gladly received 
by this office. 
This short form has been badly needed for some time, 
especially in our cordwood and fence post sales, and it will 
undoubtedly reduce the amount of clerical work in making 
small sales. 
The A. Philippe sawmill is cutting out railroad 
ties at the rate of three hundred ties per day, besides 
the lumber secured from slabbing. This is a record on the 
Carson for the size of the mill used and the number of 
men employed. 
Mr. Smth the logging contrmctory is deliver- 
ing at the mill an average of 600 logs weekly* At the 
present time the mill is entirely surrounded by banked 
logs. At this rate of cutting the purchaser expects to oovi 
pletely clean up the sale area by the first of May. 
Mr. Russell, in charge of this salep claims that 
the amount of timber to be out from the sale area will 
equal if not exceed the estimate of 1,200,000 ft., B.M. 
On February 1, Mr. S. S. Goodge was permittad to 
resume operations on account of the payment requestod being 
forwarded to the First National Bank of Albuquerque, NM. 
A now arrangement was made for conducting the log- 
ging and milling operatiobs on this sale. Mowsrs. Docker 
and Johnson of La Jars, Colo., will have complete oharg9 of 
the sawmill and lir. Goodge is to supervise the cutting 
and the delivery of the logs to the mill. 
Upon the arrival of these gentlemen at the mill 
it was found that the boilers were completely frozen up 
and that considerable work would be necessary in order to 
place the mill in good runing order. 
On February 12 the -rill ran for about an hour and 
a half, cutting Qut seventy-two tics but then It became 
necessary to do some more overbaulingo It is expected to 
soon have the mill working to its full capacity. 
The San AnLone District has finally come into 
its =wn; Ranger Shearer having made a cordwood sale during 
the past week. It is expected that this will orly be a 
starter ard that by next fall there will 'b sufficient 
cordwood sales on the Distrift to keep owe =on busy for a 
amuth or six ueeks.