on the winter ranize and sheep men are looking forward to 
a hard winter witi a heavy lose. 
Te ad a heavy run of free use during the month of 
October, most everyone getting their permit during that time, 
From the looks of the wood piles, and a number of wagons 
still hauling most of them are getting their wood. 
We haven't seen a porcupine or a prarie dog since the 
middle of Octoter and we would like some one to toll us 
why they left cfAntone.- 
Jicarilla District: 
Business on this Dictrict hac been very good the past 
month. To date Z9,5Z0 sheen heve crossed the Frest. 
These figures do not include the permitted sheep that have 
crossed to the diping vat, of which there wus a very small 
number, amounting to about '1000 altowether, but the 01pping 
is overwith, and I  ,ill now have some more time to devote 
to crossing sheep. 
There seems to be a gror"Ing interest for the tie 
timber on this Detriot, but no one siants to put In a s w 
mill, so I sup!oso that there will be no timber s:b)es for 
at ieaet some time. 
The J'carills force wants to send conpTatulatiors, 
and best wishes to both our lu..ervi sor, 7:. T-eopold and 
1!. D'rrab, and we hone that both of you vill visit this 
Valleoitoo District: 
You have not heard much of this district through the 
lines of the Pine Cone, but now that we have turned over 
a new leaf you can expeat us to break into print every 
chance we get. 
The fire d.nger lasted on this district until Oct- 
ober ZO when we had a light snow, which we hope endeC 
this fire seeson and: left us with no b& records in that 
line, for we had six fires with a total of eleven acres 
burned over. 
I have beon very busy the lst fow d&ys rcei ving 
applications for A7inter Grasing &a there seems to be 
next to nothing on the winter grazing areas outside the 
The free use business cure maGTres you sit up and take 
notice around here now. 
Good rains and snows during the month of October have 
put an end to the fire season for the present calendar 
Year. The addition of the telephone lines on the Taos 
Division will greatly assist In the carrying out of the fire 
ilans for the uoming year. Thc total area of burned over 
and on the Oueseta Dstrict only amounts to one half acre. 
Yire oocurree on the 29 of s.,tember while in a rush to