and Par. 
8, Sec. 
(See Par. 
Report o 
Big Game 
(See Par 
List of 
(See Par 
Maps for 
Fire Co- 
of Duty. 
(See Par. 
7, Sec. 3, 
officers all information available which will 
assist them in apprehending or prosecuting 
violators of the game laws. 
f      The rangers will further be expected, as 
far as practicable, to keep a record of the 
total number of game animals by classes killed 
in their districts; this information to be 
furnished the Forest Supervisor, who will trans" 
mit it for compilation to the District For- 
ester, the latter in turn to forward it to the 
State Game Warden at the end of the season. 
In order that the foregoing plans may be 
placed in effect, it is desired that your 
office supply the District Forester with a 
list of the names and addresses of all deputy 
state game wardens. The District Forester 
will furnish you a map showing the location 
of all Forests in the state, together with a 
list giving names and addresses of all Forest 
supervisors and rangers. 
The Forest supervisors in this District 
will be requested to furnish the local de- 
puty state game wardens in the vicinity of 
their Forest maps showing the telephone con- 
nections of the Forest Service and the head- 
quarters of the rangers. 
In case the regular deputy state game war- 
den discovers fire on an area within or con- 
tigous to the Forest, it is expected that he 
will promptly notify the nearest Forest of- 
ficer of the fact. 
If instances of failure on the part of 
Forest officers to properly cooperate in the 
matter of game protection come to your at- 
tention, the fact should be reported to this 
,office. On the other hand, if cases of 
neglect of duty in enforcing the game laws 
by the regular deputy state game wardensare 
brought to the attention of the Forest super- 
visors, they will report the facts to the 
District Forester, who in turn will refer them 
to your office for consideration and action. 
Our regulations provide that "the time 
spent and expenditures incurred must be 1-it- 
ed to such as will cause no serious interfer- 
ence with regular work."   In view of the 
foregoing, where considerable loss of time on 
the part of Forest officers results, as for 
example, in court attendance, or if exqpendi- 
tures incidental to arrests, etc., exceed a 
nominal sum, such as can reasonably be assum-