2. To prevent any species from reduction in numbers to 
such a point as will cause it to lose its value as a 
public resource. 
3. To provide a place where all game can ia'r      " o 
a point where it overflows to adjoining areas, thus pro- 
viding normal breeding stock thereon and increasing their 
value as hunting and recreation grounds. 
4. To increase the game around summer recreation ground,- 
and resorts, where this will increase their attractive- 
ness and value to the public. 
5. To provide a place for liberating and locating ship- 
ments of species which have become locally extinct. 
Federal refuges on the National Forests are adminis- 
tered directly by the Forest Service, and violations are 
tried in the Federal Courts. (See Manual, pages 64 and 
65-G.)   State officers have no jurisdiction excent when 
the offense is simultaneously in violation of the State 
All refuges will be thoroughly posted. Game Re- 
fuges will ordinarily not be ferced except when neces- 
sary for object 5.   Bird refuges will sometimes be 
partially fenced to protect nesting grounds from tramp- 
ling of eggs and denudation of cover. 
All refuges so far established permit fishing in ac- 
cordance with the State law. It is probable that similar 