Jicarlla District. 
Lots of sheep have boon cold hero this Fall, 
both old_ wes and larbr. It smEms as thourh the heep :en were 
afraid of the 1rinter. The prospecto do seon bad There is not 
nuch grass, and Th.t there i , iz not good food. 
The number of sheep that have gone to the lower courtr7 
for the winter is conoiderably loe than last year. 
What fow pOople that havo hoa.rd of the addition to this 
District, have o::proasod their opinions very war'l- in it's 
favor, and the noot of then are norr buny getting signors for 
a petition to taho in all thO land to the Ian Juan Rivor, 
na3ing it the w;ect boundary. They seen to have great hops.: that 
this will carrr. 
There ha. boon a part- somingly very much intorestOd. in 
the tinbor on Carraca. .osa, and the larger part of last woee- 
wa- spent going over the ground and loo1:ing for roadrays up 
the :osa; it begins to loo!' at last as if there might be a 
sale made of thin timber. 
Toes Piodran. 
li-The        ',movome.t .an is busily engaged there days 
in pouding the 2-0 s of  . aquina Lscriber. ( pounds thon 
Soncw;'at an i.f thoy '*:oro telephone cpilzos to be sure, but does 
the best hD ca tho in no inrinont danger of having the title 
2 & T Ywritten after his namo on the Personnel page.) 
.:o have a scheme b- which we hopo to avoid carrinJ rator 
a quarter of a mile re::.t rear. It is to dig a cistern at each 
of the Forest Service buildings horo, thereby conserving approz. 
20.000 gallons of w-ater, which it is expootod will tide us over 
any p)-obablo dry spell. 
T'he ',ater quotlion is staring un in the faco rig-iht now, 
and wc aro shivering at tho prospect of starting to "carry 
our horooem to wator within the next few days, and with the 
almost certain prospect of eeping it merrily up for the rent 
of the ;-.inter,---now laugh dornre. 
an.:or   ..ar-r whilo riding in the hills recentyflushoe. 
a covy, of Bob Cats, and hilled all four of thore'., -nd then Just 
a fo,.: da's latcr, aocotipanied br his Bloodhound " -Red " he

struc': the spoor of a herd of ;'ountain Lions,---and 1illed 
all four of then. Going some-- rhat? 
t-.o plano to go out sortine in the near future-- when not 
overcrow.'ded ! *Jith other work-- and collect that flock of 
lobos that havo been doing so much dovilnent of late, and of 
which no one has boon able so far to bring in a scalp. 
Harkh nras that the soun4 of tiabor falling on the Vallecitos Dist.