Application for Resident General Hunting License 
I hereby apply for a Resident General Hunting License 
and certify that I am entitled to same by virtue of having been 
a bona fide resident of the State of Arizona for one year last 
Age ...... years. Height.    ft ....... in. Weight. . .... lbs. 
Color of eyes..   .......... Color  of hair ................ 
Place  of  residence  ....................................... 
Postoffi ce  address ....................................... 
D ated  ......................... ,  191... 
For Season of 191 .... 
Signed ..........................Applicant 
G. M. WILLARD, Warden 
B y  ,.*            . .. .    . . . . . . . ... .. . . . . . 
Number of License ................ 
Amount Collected ................. 
All persons hunting protected game within the state 
must have in their possession a proper hunting license which 
must be shown, on demand, to any authorized officer..