down tie 2,n ..itone River from their Mill, takin,' them 
out just iabive Ursula Casias's rench, from where they will 
be hauled to Palmilla. The drive was hardly as successful 
as we would have liked to have seen, as the ties neisiste 
in hanzi-n, u- often, and a number of them went under the 
,:7Lte: gage reading were resumed ct this station on 
ay 1. 
Acc,,_rClng to the old timers this was an unusually 
bacimard sprIng for this part of the country. With the 
cold ,7eather and no green !rasse during the eerly season, 
the loss of lambs was heavy, as the sheep were all in 
very por cone ition. 
Lozp-;n  operations were resuedat the PhilJpps Mill 
early in Mey. This sale is now completed. 
Taos District: 
Acting Forest Supervisor Leopold  was a welcome 
visitor to the Taos District April 29-30. We hop e he 
can stay with us longer on his next visit. 
Yessrs. Cox and Morris of Taos, heve been looking 
over the timber in the Taos trd Pueblo Cunyons, with a 
view of securing a timber sale and starting, a sawmill 
to sunply lumber for the local market. 7orest Issietant 
Yarnall has made the examination. 
Nr. FrankJ Hamm has nut a force of men tp work at-tfe 
mine at South Fork. The pipe line which supplies water 
for power has been repaired, and the drills in the mine 
will be started in a few days. 
The fire tool caches allotted to this District have 
been placed. 
Here's hoping that it rains until it snows. 
The grass is starting nicely on the crazing areas 
and the sheep are entering the 2orest. Three bands have 
been countee onto the Southern part of the District. 
Porest Guard McBride is riding over the high points 
in Pueblo Cznyon, where he keeps one  eye open for fires, 
while with the other he is watching Indians. 
Messrs. C' x and Morris have :-urchased the iestaven 
sawmill located in the Tienditas Valley. They have se- 
cured about 40,000 feet of timber from patented lands, 
and will p:robably have the Kestaven sale advertised soon. 
Vallecitos Listrict: 
i7e hmnre a real live  i-nirn Camp on this District now, 
locate on the ]ast er edre of the IT. Jarita Mdesa, and 
operated by the .L Junta Mining and Yilling Company,