mill-site for cutting this timber is in a little open Cark 
which previous to the oz~mLinition of the Lre& tac covered by 
a June, ii a.y.lication. T;i;tion is whether under the ct 
of Juro 1 Lnd the Settlement Ro1lj&'.ionl the &re& necessary

for mill-site purposes can be withheld from listing  T e 
,-eition has been submitted to the District          _zoj.:   n the 
AI1: . nlt to the Sollicitor at lbut .erque for a decision. 
Al of the men opezting saw mills on the i~.t 
have been experiencing grout difficulty in recoiving griin 
for their logFin2E te mz; during the past t.wo months. 0 2 
..n"-ot be secured t.t tny price and chops and bran seem to be 
demanding tL premimum it this time. T-. nc. crop will soon 
be h,,,rvested, however, and from &ll indiczations it will ex- 
ceod JL1 oxpectations. 
T:.c Cruiin. 2 rty continues to do excellent w.or1:. 
99,680 acres were covered during .u.t 1. Tho, ctfor 
iu -u t was broucht down to one &anC .,.even hundredths cents 
per acre--a truly remcrkable showin,.° It   e briins, un- 
tiring -.,orh and L. ftithful crew to cruise timber for one cent 
per E.cre--the writer hzs tried Vo do it, t.nd >nowso   t 
lumber companies are ml&d to pny four cents.    , Mov    n 
his men d serve & gret deU of credit for their succese,, 
T~e 681t; Lre nmv*, cf.mped on the he,.d of the T5~ 
above -r~-~ ~u~Y.r's   ,   where the De"u : ,  vior 2&id 
them   visit last uny. TTO excellent order ol the camp 
and the ctreful ejspost.l of ll scraps and refuse are worthy 
of special commenCation, 
par           R- 2- J.          vho is draftsmrn  for 
the pt, has his maPs of the territory cruised practioally 
u; to t Neo,* V:t, cjezulness anC noatness of his work is 
indeed exceptionil, ri.n his maps will be much c ppreci.ted 
by the tdministr,.tive force when they become avuilable for 
IRE U 32 
ILIt:  .  U--ested that Pr   U,- o:,ldlccnts be reeu ested 
to mUle definite 'pplie~tions as fr s possible in recsance 
of the d.te on which the material. is needed, in order that 
inconvenience to the  o      0,:ic-or and to themselves may be 
A nu,"?)L of 2rpc U ,.o le,-4 ts have recently been 
issued by the RTnh.r _ for Ciu' .J. School buid~h: . purposes. 
It~ ~  ~~A i tnelcyb  h er'vjuo to &lways grint ayia~n 
for such purposes, irrespective of locttion or other considera- 
tions.,                                      rohrcniea 
A receint OLlculation thows the 360 lbs. of unclean 
- zee nd Ply c0e   recently threshed out Lat Tao: io hwve cost 
78  per pound° 
Helf of .(toih4 seed will be sown on burns on the Tos