L      A W  S, 
and due notice thereof given by publication or other- 
wise as may be deemed appropriate.   Persons recommend- 
ing changes should be prepared to show the necessity 
for such action and to submit evidence other than that 
based on reasons of personal convenience or a desire to 
kill game during a longer open season. " 
The foregoing regulations, promulgated under the 
federal Act of March 4, 1913, have the force of federal 
law, and accot&ingly supersede any state laws with 
which they conflict.   It is desirable, of course, for 
the several states to bring their laws into conformity 
with the federal regulations as soon as possible. This 
has not yet been done in Arizona. or New Mexico. 
In accordance with the preliminary cooperative agrec- 
ment between the Biological Survey and the Forest Service, 
it is the duty of all Forest officers to report viola- 
tions of the Migratory Bird Law and Regulations.   In 
making such reports the principles outlines in Par. 22 
shoula be followed; i.e. reports should be either for 
action or for information.   In the former case evidence 
should be submitted so that the Biological Survey can 
initiate proceedings against the offender in the Federal 
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