field notes of survey. lie will proceed. from here to the Oz .rfl: 
Forest, where he will be enggeC' in running out the hevy alien- 
ations which occur there. 
The telephone Construction Crew wa  disbanded October 2 
on account of depleted funds. The line is complete fro. S."cvill- 
eta to San .intone Stttion  md east to the Skn £fltone 7ivcr. 
The Granite RL-nger rt ,tion fence  zt Tres PieCdras Is 
complete except for stringin the wire on ; portion of the west 
The Servilleta Cistern pasture bddition, and station 
repairs have been completed under the su-orvision of ner 74'on. 
The South Fork station repairs have been completed 
by Ranger Hulbert. 
The logs are laid u- for the Canjilon barn and the roof 
will be added in the near future. 
The improvements on the Jicarilla Ranger 2t.:tion L.avo 
been purchased from Feline :vadrid of Tierra 1,marilla. nanger 
Loveless expects to take posoession in the he&r future. 
Forest ,'ssistant Yarnall returned fron i,,nnual leave 
on september 26 and Supervisor Hall on October 4. Doth report 
a very satisfactory trip. 
Supervisor Hall is ;-t present on the Jicarilla District 
going over grazing matters with Ranger Toveless. 
Forest issist nt Y.rnall is on the Taos District on 
planting work. 
Ranger Wilton has been ill but is now partially re- 
Assistant Forest Ranger Haggard is on the San iAntone 
District assisting Guard Liston. 
Aesistant Forest Ranger Rushworth applied for fur.- 
lough and left on October 6.  ,ssistant Corest Ranger D. G. 
Darrah taking his place. 'Ur. Dtrrah has been employed as guard 
on the Manzano and is now assisting Guard Van Slyck on the Valle- 
citos District. 
Guard Van Slyck will be detailed to the San Antone 
District in the near future, and Ranger Shartzer will take charge 
of the Vallecitos District for a short period to work up the graz- 
ing plans with Assistant Ranger Darrah. 
Forest Assistant IMoss left the Reconnaissance Party, 
September 30, to report bn the Jemez for sample plot studies. 
Harry Perguson left the Reconnaissance Party October 
13 for Albuquerque to prepare for the Ranger Ehxamination. 
Assistvint District Forester Kerr is expected to arrive 
October 23 on grazing inspection of the Carson.