YALE    UNIVERSITY                   c,-  .,,',t 
SCHOOL OF FORESTRY NEw HAVEN. CONN.          :      0     1917 
11ovemnber 10, 1917. 
Mr. Albert F. Potter, Associate 2orester, Forest 6ervice, 
ashirton, D. 0. 
Dear Potter: 
I have been in correspondence with .1r. Leopold of District 3, in regard
to the possibility of securing hi:. for some lectures on the game situation
during the winter. kr. Leopold would be verj glad to come if arrangements
can be mado with the Forest "ervice. I understand that IRedington has
written you regardigig the mnatter. I sincerely hope that Leopold's services
can be secured for these lectures and tLiat it will meet with you approval.

Very sincerely yours, 
'/   Director.