Questa Distrtit: 
Nice cold weather over here. From the first of the 
month until the 15th the Government Station has reliorted 
40 belowzeto to be the warmest night we have had. Cn Sat- 
urdAy night, the 5th, we had a regular Dakota blizzard. 
Caught our wood pile in mighty bad shape. Iast night it 
turned warmer, but do not know how long it will last. 
Work has been resumed on the Hciablen timber sale, but 
ewing to the cold weather very-little -rogress has been 
made as yet. Loggers are getting logs out of the arroyos 
to suitable loading grounds while the snow is on.- 
-- On Sunday the 5th while the blizzard was raging, the 
pipe of bur heating stove telesco'ed and left a gap of 
about eight inches between the top of the pipe and the 
bottom of the roof Jack. After considerable work and 
the use of a great deal of verbal persuasion we got it 
fn shape to work but  ecide6d that we did not want any more 
mishaps of a lihe character so the ne-t &ay we purchasocl 
a new heater and pipe. ' Since that time we have been feel- 
ing a great deal safer. 
Supervisor Leopold was o~xeated to make this district 
a visit recently, but owing to the press of work'in other' 
places, was compelled to postpone same,. We hope, however, 
to see 'him in the near future. 
Vt'e have been figuring for some time how nice the 
next year's shooting prize would look hanginC in our office. 
Onthe last day of the year we made some good shot and 
brmght down a Golden Bagle which measured seven feet. Our 
anticinations received a bevere shook last Su~tday morning 
.when we fired twice at a coyote and never touchek a hair. 
On the E-tovni side of the divide an immense timber 
wolf is playing havoc with yearling stock. ITost of the 
cattle raisers are moving their stool: to avoid him. Trapper 
Ed Westoby of Red River is now on the groua-d and says that 
he will remain on the ground until he takes ir. 7olfIs 
Theo. Cannard on th6 head -f Red Rive  has killed a 
few bob-cats this winter. Coyttes are nunbuous but have 
not hear& of anyone catching any. 
Sheep men of this locality have been expecting the 
late blizzard and have been cam!,ing in the lee of timber 
for sometime. Sheep have fallen off very fast on account 
of the scarcity of water on the winter range. This snow 
will help them out some. Prospects are for sheep to be 
very poor' in the ayring,  -- 
A list of 24 June 1l-06 claims were opened to entry 
recently by publicction in the Cuesta Gazette. .Iost of 
these were on this diatrict. This is good news to some of 
the applicants. ,his, however, does not clean up the list.