Promotion of: 
From  1,800 
F E,0OMJL-EN{DATION TO Ttil ':E%;T_,'TARY. Aldo Leopold to $2,100 per aixni

State:    IoU Date Ef f ective:    lY   9W 
Pesignaior Appropriati 
(If c1anzed, indi~at0 PrqSent and proposed title.) on   £A  .1   mntrAt
tion  Atn'tri at 3 
(If changei, indicato present and proposel appropriation.) 
Date of Appointment in Depatment; 
Report in: 
ftrson "- 
Rfcord of Previous Promotions: Date          From        To 
July 1, 1910 $1,000     491Z00 
JUne 1, 1911  1,200      1,4W0 
Ano1ut, 1912   1,400     1,600 
Forest Assistant Dep. For. Supervisor Forest Supervisor 
Dosig:metton chztgewd to Forest Exm inor Jan. 1, 1916 
Nfature of Duties: Is charged with four -important activities __n_Dstrict:
the development of the use of the Porosts for recreation purposes; in cowieotion
with this the working out of problems in sanitation; the protection of Oame
o, the Forests- and the dissemintion to the press of informtion regarding
e~era1Wokk of th-e        'tr:Lt. 
U:-C. on,  ir~ning, anNxpcrlenco: 1h. B., Shbffield Scientific School, 1906
Y. ?., Yale Forest School, 1909.  Entered Service as Forest Assistant and
passod through grades of Deputjo Supervisor and Forest Supervisor, being
selected for present assignment beoause of exceptional qualifications for
Cooperative or Outside Employment, if ay: Vone               /, 
Specific Reasons for Promotion: Mr. Leopold's duties call for__tc4uliarlY
diversified qualifitationx., His selection for them involved jis losing_
is place the-line-up of statutory Supervisors with consequent opportunities
for salary promotiona. He is doing, worc of the highest practical value,
his report on saitation haV-Wg ierv-d exceodi1Ag17' useft1 purposes in other
DI1t'lets, and his studies of the recreational possibilities of thUe Forests
having relted =ost successfaly in prowting tis uae. He has had no promotion
for over four years, an this case is hiehly meritorious. 
AotinS Forester. 
(ae or, eoe,.cato eheet tb e pablaatio=. p.1crared by thi- ermployc.) 
* 4; 
w q 
July 191909