of v'oo&:. -lor instance, seven of the thirteen fires during 
the east season were located on the La Jar itt rea, which 
is our worst examp3le of unconsumed bunch grase, resulting 
fron too high a pronortion of shie. This area is in fact 
over-grazed by shoo:,. It is also interoetin&" to 1iow that 
the fires on this area avernoed 1.4 aoros oach, while he 
rest of the firestayeraro1 0.5 acrec eoch, while the daage 
was -24 -as agaiist 36.50 for the roea'I.ing fires under the 
O U 'e   S O v e n  "j .                      Vn . 
cz  ten o  valuation;. There can be no doubt th.1 the 
fire problem should be'a definite factor in our plan of 
grazing administrnkion. 
Timber out in 17ovember 107;000 feet B.LL. Value :502.37 
i t"                 1,675 linear ft. "      12.Z1 
"  "     it        17 cords             .7.26 
To tal     V,-r 18.9 9 
Timber sold in ITovomber 110 cords, Value     Q 27.50 
Total      Y; 27.50 
A body of timber eatlaated to be ',75 ,COO feet B.":., 
located in Biscara Canyon; ez=ained on the a:.lication of 
J. O. Lawton, Iovober 30, 19,12, is now being advertised for 
sale in the Taos Valley News. Ir Lawton has praotically 
assumed financial control of the '3. .oodGe outfit, and- it 
is his intention to buy this timber to keep the mill running 
through the winter. 
ir. Cot is setting up his mill in Capulin Canyon, 'and 
preparing to comence opercAVione next month. About 40,000 
feet Bi. have been iaa'kzed on the sale are&. 
A zale of 100 co=,&s of dead fuel v;ood was made in- rov- 
ember by Assistr.nt Forest Rangcor ndoracn to the Trinidad 
I[ining -zLC iHillin- Gotriany. 
A wiecial report made to the District 2orester on 
lovember 50 shows that there were at that time a totcl of 
24 iex:amined June 11 apDlioation2s on this "orest.  urthor 
examinations this winter at high altitudes ,   ,ll probably be 
rendered imrractical on account of-the snow, but an attompt 
will benmaa to clean uw the apniloatione in the lower 
country, 'particularly in the southern part of the Imarilla 
Division, before :--ring. 
A letter dated December 9, dictated by Assistant District 
'orester, rooler, in charge of lands, referring to the reso- 
lution passe& by the Carson Ranger 'leoting relotLive to the 
long delaysp in opening listed land to settlement and entry 
under the Act of June 11, 1V06' says in part, "I am nartioularly