The slack se..son is nov at hand. T.s rerrarl-able neriod 
begins with the end of the seatson of 1912, about Pebruary, 
1913, and ends with the beginning of the seeson of 1913, 
about November, 1912. .ord from the rest of the Forests 
indicates that there too the slack season is a reality, its 
only drawback being that it runs against the ealendar. Let 
us be thankful for this. 
Rkngers Br.:er and Drrah report a fire near Petaca 
Njovember 20. This nartioular area seems particularly sub- 
jeot to small fires. Ii Lntioi-)ation of -osaible winter fire 
danger, Mr, "orris ieiohtle of Petaca was 'appointed per diem 
guard Just previous to the above date. 
In order to prevent losses of tools, the seals should 
now be removed from the tool caches, and Serviae nadloo':s 
put on, This has in most cases already been done. 
Ation has now been taken by the Secretary and the 
District Forester on the reconmendatlons in the Annual Grrz- 
ing T'lan for 1913. Complete instructions covering ne-:t 
season's work, and the ta!inw of ainlications this winter 
will be issued shortly. 
A few boundary sheep trespasses are alrecdy being 
reported. Last year's Inctructions in these cses should 
be carefully followeC.. Firit offences should be covered 
by written warninps and a complete nemorandum to be used 
in bringing tresoaso or second offence. 
On account of w ter shortc.fe on the Public Domain, 
fifteen day extensions were qranted during November on the 
San Artone &nd Servilleta Diatricta. The outside runge is 
still almost entirelr, dry. 
Several of the district men have been dig-ing up val- 
uable information on transfers of sheep. This will help 
next year, The good work is appreciated. 
Tj'iber out in Otober -- 179 feet B." . Vilue ,473.71 
it     "   "       --   Gcords                . 