As a result 6f the snows, shoe- on the open a   are 
wintering firly w ell. 
Decsos  of the late spring last year, and the heavy 
lambing losses, high lambers are dated lrator this year than 
Rcn-or Dfar!.er has had a strenuous tine lately showing 
sheep wintering in the Oj     o     country the locrltnion 
of the _orest fBoun dc.ryi, Two trespnss cases have resultod.. 
Rangor Darrah hcs also had to watch his south boLuci&.ry. 
ruad.d  ger also had a race with some crossers who tried 
-o rui the r,-'untlet and "'aile6L another, case resulting. 
This effeoetive boundary patrol is something new to some 
of' the tres-nassers, and it is hopod will grad ally decrease 
the tres nass oases for the Porest. Guard I.ynch hlas been 
Leping aon eye on his lines also, but the sheep have not 
been thore unless -nerchance they entered under the Snow. 
1,ynch had a little frnoas last fall vwhich has made his 
boiundary posters looh lie re& headlines to grass-hungry 
horders. In the course of it, there was demonstrcted the 
facot that'some nen don't have to use a gun even when they 
carry one, nd that others donrt get a chance to us. one 
even when they start to. 
TIIMER iui.r2 
Timber out in Jan-4ry, 89,000 feet B.",T, Value  0-4". 4 3 
V * "         it        50 poSts               5.00 
"i   1        U        155 cords              38175 
Tota.l       . 8V. I 
Timber sold in 3anury SC posts  .... Value :7; -.oo 
Total        V1C0. 75 
All timbor marked for cutting has been out -.nd soald 
en the      Go. . odCo .5/15/11 sale =d it is e=,'ootedl th at 
the wa.o will be officially closed t;his weok. Oerations 
will'immodicatly be trzaisf'orrodl t&a t13 J. 0. L~awton ll/5O/12 
an informal a  l.ioetion for the 7uohezo of two O± 
th'eo million foot southwest of Vallecitos Ls boeen reoeivoea 
. reliminary oxmination tws mde robruary 12 in 
-re aration for a now oule to A. 4.iesmAth  3 ona on ".n 
itone Creek. 