- "I 
It has been suggestsd. that th-. :epv/ ,tl-o7jio 
write an "j'11ful N[umber" of tho rIine Con.o - hi ic os- 
tion had its birth in tho similar ani ir.. 0nei  coup 
d'otat of that worthy mag-azine "Lifo"  The rocoivinG 
ond of the suggestion has refuse& to crry thc  i. il- 
arity boyond a certain point an the assurando is horoby 
oxtendod that the "awfulness" of thid nunbor, iu11o 
*that of our esteemed contemporary, will be het ontirely 
and distinctly removed from anything approaohing the 
On account of the unimpeahablo record of the rine 
Oono in the past in the matter of Iunctality it is im- 
porative that a few words of bolf-vindication be said 
hero in behalf of this number. It has been obsorved 
tht loading periodicals are wont to defer the apoar- 
ano of n issue which is to be of particular value or 
interest, or particularly otherwise until after the 
storeotyrped date, in order either that suspense and 
interest aroused may make the extra effort involved 
finanoially justifiable, or that the time elapsing 
between it and the subsequent issue may be so limited 
as to make colf-pr6servation not absolutely impossible, 
as the case may be. 
Nothing further need be stated; but as a matter of 
interest and of news tmay be said that for the past 
mbnth and more this office force has been particularly 
occupied with the following subjects to the e:xclusion 
of others equally profitable but more easily put off. 
The settlement of the numerous pending grazing applica- 
tions has consumed considerable time. This, with the 
inter-forest grazing conference at Antonito and the visit 
of Assistant District Plorostor !'err at the Carbon office 
in thointerests'of grazing and the disohssions inci- 
dent to it has kept this branch in its usual prominent 
lceo. The preparation of a portion of th6 Carson vorking 
Iron had emanded a certain amout of time, 
A brief glance at the plans for the future indicate 
that Working Plans will be an important featureĀ° It 
is the intention to make a definite start on the range 
roeoomaissancoe of the Carson this season. 3o far as 
1mown now this will be done entirely by the local force. 