- Debt Management, Retirement Systems, and Tax Exemptions - include nonlegislative
bers. Among the joint research committees, the Legislatives Council's membership
is partly ex
officio and partly appointed as are standing committees, while the Retirement
Research Commit-
tee is comprised of the members of the Joint Survey Committee on Retirement
Systems and of
nonlegislative members. The Joint Committee on State-Supported Programs consists
only of
legislative members.

With Senators Timothy F. Cullen (Senate majority leader) and Susan S. Engeleiter
(Senate mi-
nority leader), Senate President Fred Risser (far right), on behalf of the
entire Senate, presents
Professor Michael Leckrone a Certificate of Congratulations on the occasion
of the 100th anniver-
sary of the University of Wisconsin Band (photo courtesy of Senate Republican

   Special Committees Are Temporary. In addition to the standing committees,
special commit-
tees may be appointed during a legislative session to study specific problems
or conduct desig-
nated investigations and to report before the conclusion of the session.
   Prior to 1947 interim committees were usually created each session to
investigate particular
subjects. They functioned between legislative sessions and reported their
findings and recom-
mendations to the next legislature. Since 1947, almost all studies have been
referred to the Legis-
lative Council, which coordinates the study and investigation program. The
council may ap-
point committees to study specific matters and may appoint committees which
parallel the
standing committee structure. These latter committees usually comprise the
membership of the
standing committees in the respective houses plus several public members.
The 1985-86 session
schedule provides that the May 27 to December 31, 1986 period be set aside
for the work of
interim committees.
  Employes of the Legislature. Each house of the legislature has staff services,
managed by the
chief clerk and the sergeant at arms of that house under the supervision
of the Committee on
Senate Organization and the speaker of the Assembly, respectively. These
staff services are di-
rectly related to the legislative procedures in that house. Senate and Assembly
employes are in
the unclassified service. All employes of the 2 houses are paid in accordance
with the compensa-
tion and classification plan for legislative employes in the classified civil
service within ranges
approved by the Joint Committee on Legislative Organization.