bounding them by county lines. No alteration of circuit boundaries shall
have the effect of
removing a circuit judge from office during the judge's term. In case of
an increase of circuits, the
first judge or judges shall be elected. [1975 AJR-11; 1977 SJR-91
   Alteration of circuits. SECTION 6. [Originalform] The  office. In case
of an increase of circuits, the judge or judges
legislature may alter the limits or increase the number of cir-  shall be
elected as provided in this constitution and receive a
cuits, making them as compact and convenient as practica-  salary of not
less than that herein provided for judges of the
ble, and bounding them by county lines; but no such altera-   circuit court.
tion or increase shall have the effect to remove a judge from

     Circuit court: election. SECTION 7. [As amended April 1977] For each
circuit there shall be chosen
by the qualified electors thereof one or more circuit judges as prescribed
by law. Circuit judges
shall be elected for 6-year terms and shall reside in the circuit from which
elected. [1975 AJR-11; 1977

   Circuit judges; election, eligibility, term, salary. SEC-
TION 7. [As amended November 1924] For each circuit there
shall be chosen by the qualified electors thereof one circuit
judge, except that in any circuit in which there is a county
that had a population in excess of eighty-five thousand, ac-
cording to the last state or United States census, the legisla-
ture may, from time to time, authorize additional circuit
judges to be chosen. Every circuit judge shall reside in the
circuit from which he is elected, and shall hold his office for
such term and receive such compensation as the legislature
shall prescribe. [1921 SJR-24; 1923 SJR-27; 1923 c. 408]
    Circuit judges, election. SECTION 7. [As amended April
 1897] For each circuit there shall be chosen by the qualified
 electors thereof, one circuit judge, except that in any circuit
 composed of one county only, which county shall contain a
 population, according to the last state or United States cen-
 sus, of one hundred thousand inhabitants or over, the legis-
 lature may from time to time authorize additional circuit
 judges to be chosen. Every circuit judge shall reside in the

circuit from which he is elected and shall hold his office for
such term and receive such compensation as the legislature
shall prescribe. [1895 SJR-9; 1897 SJR-10; 1897 c. 69]

   Circuit judges, election. SECTION 7. [Originalform] For
each circuit there shall be a judge chosen by the qualified
electors therein, who shall hold his office as is provided in
this constitution, and until his successor shall be chosen and
qualified; and after he shall have been elected, he shall reside
in the circuit for which he was elected. One of said judges
shall be designated as chief justice in such manner as the leg-
islature shall provide. And the legislature shall at its first
session provide by law as well for the election of, as for clas-
sifying the judges of the circuit court to be elected under this
constitution, in such manner that one of said judges shall go
out of office in two years, one in three years, one in four
years, one in five years and one in six years, and thereafter
the judge elected to fill the office shall hold the same for six

    Circuit court: jurisdiction. SECTION 8. [As amended April 1977] Except
as otherwise provided by
law, the circuit court shall have original jurisdiction in all matters civil
and criminal within this
state and such appellate jurisdiction in the circuit as the legislature may
prescribe by law. The
circuit court may issue all writs necessary in aid of its jurisdiction. [1975
AJR-11; 1977 SJR-9]
   Circuit court, jurisdiction. SECTION 8. [Original form]  have the power
to issue writs of habeas corpus, mandamus,
The circuit courts shall have original jurisdiction in all mat-  injunction,
quo warranto, certiorari, and all other writs nec-
ters civil and criminal within this state, not excepted in this  essary to
carry into effect their orders, judgments and de-
constitution, and not hereafter prohibited by law; and ap-  crees, and give
them a general control over inferior courts
pellate jurisdiction from all inferior courts and tribunals,  and jurisdictions.
and a supervisory control over the same. They shall also

    Judicial elections, vacancies.    SECTION   9. [As amended April 1977]
When a vacancy occurs in the
office of justice of the supreme court or judge of any court of record, the
vacancy shall be filled by
appointment by the governor, which shall continue until a successor is elected
and qualified.
There shall be no election for a justice or judge at the partisan general
election for state or county
officers, nor within 30 days either before or after such election. [1975
AJR-11; 1977 SJR-9]

   Vacancies; judicial elections. SECTION 9. [As amended
April 1953] When a vacancy shall happen in the office of
judge of the supreme or circuit courts, such vacancy shall be
filled by an appointment of the governor, which shall con-
tinue until a successor is elected and qualified; and a
supreme court justice when so elected shall hold his office
for a term of 10 years and a circuit judge when so elected
shall hold his office for such term as the legislature
prescribes for circuit judges elected under section seven of
this article. There shall be no election for a judge or judges
at any general election for state or county officers, nor

within 30 days either before or after such election. [1951
SJR-3; 1953 SJR-5]
   Vacancies; judicial elections. SECTION 9. [Originalform]
When a vacancy shall happen in the office of judge of the
supreme or circuit courts, such vacancy shall be filled by an
appointment of the governor, which shall continue until a
successor is elected and qualified; and when elected such
successor shall hold his office the residue of the unexpired
term. There shall be no election for a judge orjudges at any
general election for state or county officers, nor within
thirty days either before or after such election.

    Judges: eligibility to office. SECTION 10. [As amended April 1977] (1)
No justice of the supreme
court or judge of any court of record shall hold any other office of public
trust, except a judicial
office, during the term for which elected. No person shall be eligible to
the office of judge who