Executive Secretary: JAMES L. FULLIN, JR.
Mailing Address: Room 777 Anchor Building, 25 West Main Street, Madison 53702.
Telephone: (608) 266-1319.
Number of Employes: 2.00.
Total Budget 1983-85: $197,600.
Statutory Reference: Section 758.13.
  History: The Judicial Council was created by Chapter 392, Laws of 1951.
It succeeded to the
functions of the Advisory Committee on Rules of Pleading, Practice and Procedure,
created by
Chapter 404, Laws of 1929. Chapter 247, Laws of 1967, provided for the administrator
of courts
or his deputy or assistant to serve as executive secretary of the council.
This was changed,
however, by Chapter 154, Laws of 1969, which increased the membership of
the council by
including the administrator of courts, but removed the provision making him
executive secre-
tary. Chapter 187, Laws of 1977, increased the council membership by adding
a Court of Ap-
peals judge. A Supreme Court order of October 30, 1978, replaced the administrator
of courts
with the director of state courts. 1983 Wisconsin Act 377 increased the council
membership to 20
by adding the state public defender.
   Organization: The council appoints the executive secretary outside the
classified service. The
council membership includes a Supreme Court justice selected by the Supreme
Court, a Court of
Appeals judge selected by the Court of Appeals, and 4 circuit court judges
selected by the Judi-
cial Conference. The 9 ex officio members or their designees are: the attorney
general, the state
public defender, the chairpersons of the Senate Judiciary and Consumer Affairs
Committee and
of the Assembly Judiciary Committee, the director of state courts, the revisor
of statutes, the
deans of the Wisconsin and Marquette Law Schools, and the president-elect
of the State Bar of
Wisconsin. The council membership also includes 2 citizen members appointed
by the governor
and 3 members elected by the State Bar, all of whom serve 3-year terms. The
council meets
monthly except in July and August. The various committees of the council
meet regularly and
are composed of council and ad hoc members.