70                       WISCONSIN BLUE Book 19850-19806
25th SENATE DISTRICT                                  lot0

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Daniel 0. Theno (Rep.), 25th Senate District
  Born Ashland, May 8, 1947; married; 2 children. B.S. UW-Madison 1969; scholarship
studies in Brazil;
Eagleton fellowship from Rutgers Univ. Full-time legislator. Former voc.
agric. teacher. Awarded Outstand-
ing Young Man of America citation; listed in Who's Who in American Politics;
FFA Distinguished Service
Award.'Member K. of C.; Elks; Ashland Co. Rep. Club; Wis. Rep. Party; New
Rep. Conf.; Rod and Gun
Club; Apostle Is. Sportfishermen's Assn.; Bay Arts Coon.; UW-Mad. Horticultural
Adv. Com.; Coastal Mgt.
Coon. and chp. of Task Force on Harbor Dredging; L. Superior Coastal Task
Force; TV station adv. bd.;
UW-Alumni Assn.; Natl. Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame; Ashland Historical
Soc.; honorary mbr. UW-
Superior Alumni Assn. and Gamma Sigma Delta (natl. agric. hon. soc.); UW
Coll. of Agric. and Life Sciences
Alumni Assn.
  Elected to Senate in special election 1972; reelected since 1974. Min.
Caucus Chp. 1977; Maj. Caucus Secy.
1975, 1973. Biennial committee assignments: 1985- Energy and Environmental
Resources; Transportation
(also 1973); State Building Comn. (since 1979). 1983 - Agriculture and Rural
Affairs; Board of Curators,
State Historical Society. 1981 - Human Services; Spec. Com. on Reapportionment;
Minn.-Wis. Boundary
Area Comn.'s Legis. Adv. Com. (also 1973). 1979 --Natural Resources and Tourism;
Jt. Com. on Audit;
Legis. Coon. Coms. on Changing Enrollments (also 1977), Energy Conservation.
1977 - Tourism; Legis.
Coon. Com. on Remedial Legislation. 1975 - Govt. and Vet. Affairs; Natural
Resources (also 1973); Legis.
Coon. Natural Resources Com.; Interstate Port Authority Comn. (Superior-Duluth).
1973 - Jt. Com. for
Review of Admin. Rules (vice chp.); Legis. Coon. Highway Com.; Council on
Traffic Law Enforcement.
  Telephone: Capitol: (608) 266-3510; District: (715) 682-3924.
  Voting address: Route 1, Ashland 54806.
  Mailing address: (office) Room 415 Southeast, State Capitol, P.O. Box 7882,
Madison 53707-7882.