678                            WISCONSIN BLUE BOOK 1985-1986


             No. of                       Deposits as of June 30 (in thousands)
      Year   Banks      Total     Interbank2  Government'   Demand2     
Time2      Savings2
      1900      349  $   124,892  $   9,161   $    1,220    $  71,448   
  $43,063   $
      1910      630      268,766     18,929          858      121,413   
      1920      976      767,534     41,452        2,065      332,353   
      1930      936      935,006     44,274        2,418      360,538   
      1940      574      993,155     85,239       13,414      437,274   
 457,228          -
      1950     556     2,965,580    120,860       81,222     1,506,246  
1,257,252         -
      1960     561     4,385,838    190,967      135,348     2,172,423  
1,887,100        -
      1965      582    5,608,599    202,673      190,894     2,485,637  
3,114,672         -
      1966      586    6,470,394    183,961      655,980     2,960,701  
3,509,693         -
      1967     599     7,112,785    218,015      624,634     3,060,742  
      1968     605     7,808,963    232,743      676,798     3,250,117  
4,558,846         -
      1969     605     8,389,296    279,970      592,334     3,495,497  
4,893,799         -
      1970     602     8,750,823    277,635      711,908     3,525,878  
5,224,945         -
      1971     608    10,064,272    319,292      944,359     3,782,306  
      1972     612    11,065,211    300,436      963,847     4,008,389  
7,056,822         -
      1973     619    12,494,510    226,879     1,237,586    4,301,608  
      1974     617    13,441,620    252,357     1,329,119    4,377,799  
      1975     621    14,426,012    291,584     1,344,781   4,591,759   
9,834,253         -
      1976     623    15,487,990    304,881     1,295,484    4,620,570  
6,212,779  4,654,641
      1977     623    18,538,624   410,636      1,447,905   6,062,841   
6,896,827  5,578,956
      1978     625    18,742,594   406,447      1,730,762    5,613,377  
5,749,527  7,379,690
      1979     631    20,798,061   481,127      1,967,839   6,502,343   
8,562,511  5,733,208
      1980     634    24,763,910   426,907      1,830,450    5,804,877  
9,470,369  5,201,145
      1981     644    21,516,046        -       1,404,039    4,129,900  
9,818,129  5,454,197
      1982     647    22,541,970                1,417,566   3,794,612   11,197,120
      1983     628    25,701,890                1,624,052   4,028,840   10,456,377
      'As of 1966, "Government" includes deposits of state and
subdivisions as well as U.S. government deposits.
      2Prior to 1965, "Demand" and "Time" totals did
not include interbank and government deposits. Beginning
        in 1976, data is presented for "Savings" as well as "Demand"
and "Time" deposits. "Interbank" deposits
        are not listed separately for 1981-1983.
      Source: 1900-55: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,
All-Bank Statistics, U.S., 1959; 1956-64:
        Wisconsin Commissioner of Banks, December 1965; 1965-1978: Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation,
        Assets and Liabilities - Commercial and Mutual Savings Banks, June
30, 1978, and previous issues; 1979-
        80: data provided by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; 1981-82:
Federal Deposit Insurance Corpo-
        ration, Banks and Branches Data Book.

   Recreation - Over 14 thousand lakes, 2 thousand trout streams, 5 thousand
campsites, and
6.1 million acres of hunting land contribute to the recreational facilities
of Wisconsin. As a
result, over 69 million fish and 3 million game of various kinds are taken
each year, over 425
thousand boats are registered, 118 thousand annual and 444 thousand daily
park admission
stickers and tags are sold, and over 900 thousand hunting licenses and tags
and a million fishing
licenses are issued.
   Wisconsin has 48 state parks, 9 state forests, 9 state trails, and 3 recreation
areas. The parks
range in size from Devil's Lake with 7,719 acres to Lizard Mound with 31
acres. The largest
single state recreational facility is the Northern Highlands American Legion
Forest with 218,781
acres. A more recent addition to the state recreational facilities program
has been the state's
growing trails system. Nine trails presently total 4,276 acres; 270 miles
of trails are presently
usable for hiking, biking, and snowmobiling.
   Over 8.8 million people visited Wisconsin's state parks in 1983 or - to
put it another way
2.4 million cars brought visitors to the parks. Utilization of the state
forests and trails also
increased, with over 4.4 million people visiting the forests and over 159,000
people using the
   Land Acquisition - Over 130 thousand acres have been acquired at a cost
of over $67 million
in support of various natural resources functions since the 1974-75 fiscal
   Wisconsin's Outdoor Recreation Act Program, better known as ORAP, was
created in 1969.
Although ORAP funds have been used for many recreational purposes, including
fish and wild-
life management, youth conservation camps, and the Olympic Ice Rink, the
largest expenditures
of ORAP funds since 1969 have been made for water pollution abatement aids-
$144.4 million
- and for state parks - $67.7 million. The water pollution abatement aids
account for almost
half of the total expenditures made in the ORAP program to date. From 1969
to 1984, $331.8
million has been spent on the total ORAP program.