HIGHER EDI
                                       AIDS E

               Financial Aid


                                       Deputy S

                  Division of            Divisi(
                  Finance           Employmm


 in dependent colleges to represent such independ
 sent the general public. The executive secretary
 governor. Administratively, the agency is compi
 Division of Employment Relations and the DiN
   Agency Responsibility: The Higher Education
 guided student financial aid programs since 19(
 and oversight of the state's student financial aic'
 sector schools, disadvantaged, handicapped, an
 ties such as interstate educational compacts, a c
 program for students in health fields,, in additio
   Unit Functions: The Division of Programs an,
administer the state's student financial aid pr
Higher Education Grants, Indian Student Assis
Loans. The division also administers the Contr
consin Health Education Assistance Loan Prog
  The Division of Employment Relations adminý
ties for the board including represented civil sei
Education Corporation.
  The Division of Finance has fiscal responsibi
development and monitoring, general account,
ments, auditing services and purchasing.
  Interagency Relationships: The board works w:
and federal agencies in the management of grani
cational institutions.

                  Division ot            Division of              Division
                  Finance           Employment Relations      Programs and


 independent colleges to represent such independent institutions; and 5 citizen
members to repre-
 sent the general public. The executive secretary is appointed by and serves
at the pleasure of the
 governor. Administratively, the agency is composed of the Division of Programs
and Policy, the
 Division of Employment Relations and the Division of Finance.
   Agency Responsibility: The Higher Educational Aids Board - whose policies
have shaped and
 guided student financial aid programs since 1965 -is primarily responsible
for the management
 and oversight of the state's student financial aid system affecting students
in public and private
 sector schools, disadvantaged, handicapped, and Native American students,
and related activi-
 ties such as interstate educational compacts, a contract for dental education
services and a loan
 program for students in health fields, in addition to the State Student
Loan Program.
   Unit Functions: The Division of Programs and Policy recommends and establishes
policy to
administer the state's student financial aid programs, including Tuition
Grants, Wisconsin
Higher Education Grants, Indian Student Assistance, Interstate Reciprocity,
and State Student
Loans. The division also administers the Contract for Dental Education Services
and the Wis-
consin Health Education Assistance Loan Program.
  The Division of Employment Relations administers all personnel and bargaining
ties for the board including represented civil service staff on contract
to the Wisconsin Higher
Education Corporation.
  The Division of Finance has fiscal responsibility for the agency's services
including budget
development and monitoring, general accounting, revenue bond accounting,
financial state-
ments, auditing services and purchasing.
  Interagency Relationships: The board works with all types of educational
institutions and state
and federal agencies in the management of grant and loan programs for students
in higher edu-
cational institutions.



                                HIGHER EDUCATIONAL
                                     AIDS BOARD

             Council on
             Financial Aid

                                  EXECUTIVE SECRETARY              Assistant

                                     Deputy Secretary


SECRETARY              Assistant


on of                Division of
it Relations     Programs and Policy

lent institutions; and 5 citizen members to repre-
, is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the
iosed of the Division of Programs and Policy, the
vision -of Finance.
ial Aids Board - whose policies have shaped and
55 -is primarily responsible for the management
J system affecting students in public and private
A Native American students, and related activi-
-ontract for dental education services and a loan
)n to the State Student Loan Program.
rd Policy recommends and establishes policy to
rograms, including Tuition Grants, Wisconsin
ftance, Interstate Reciprocity, and State Student
ract for Dental Education Services and the Wis-
iisters all personnel and bargaining responsibili-
ýrvice staff on contract to the Wisconsin Higher

ility for the agency's services including budget
Jng, revenue bond accounting, financial state-

,ith all types of educational institutions and state
I and loan programs for students in higher edu-