
0young farmers had personal contact with Wisconsin's greatest professors.

" Komm' ich uber den Hund, komm' ich uber den
okhwanz." If I jump over the dog, I'll get over the
iii, i.e., to stretch a budget or a sum of money to
dlude a luxury or something extra.
S"Hand immer in der Tasche."- Has his hand al-
rays in his pocket ; a spendthrift. "Hat die Faust in
prTasche." Has his fist in his pocket; astingy
   "Mit dem Hut in der Hand kommt man durch
~aganze Land." With the hat in your hand, you'll
purney throughout the land. Polite manners get you
S"Eine Hand wascht die and ere." One hand
~ashes the other. Exchange of favors.
   "Oben hui! unten pfui!" A careless person
yessed up but wearing soiled underwear.
iAnd the emergence of the dairy industry brought
rh its own kind of wisdom:
i(1) Thou shalt call each cow by name, in a gentle and

loving manner, for the boss will not hold him guiltless that
taketh her name in vain.
    (2) Remember the Sabbath day, and do only such work
as seemeth necessary.
    (3) Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy chores, but
the seventh day is Sunday, and the cleaning of the stables
and all unnecessary work should be dropped, so that thy son
and thy daughter, thy man-servant and thy maid-servant may
attend church.
    (4) Honor and respect the kingly sire, that thy days may
be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.
    (5) Thou shalt not swear.
    (6) Thou shalt not scold.
    (7) Thou shalt not curry thy cattle with the milking stool.
    (8) Thou shalt look well to the comforts of thy cattle.
    (9) Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neigh-
bor's herd, for verily it heapeth coals of fire on thine own

    (10) Covet not thy neighbor's herd, for verily thou hast
made thy selection and verily thou shalt prosper if thou stay
by thy choice.
     Sadly enough, apparently, a lot of Wisconsin
farmers did "curry their cows with the milking
stool," as set forth in the Seventh Commandment,