of a Puritan morality were made very plain, and the
people, for the most part, heeded. The little church
at the crossroad was a cornerstone of security.
Dear Father:
    we had a meeting last night to Deside upon a site for
the chaple and it was unanimously agreed that it should
stand on Mr Stonehous['s] land he haveing generously
of erd to give the land for that purpouse it will be the
most central place in the settlement and will be near the
school house on the contrary side the Burlington and
Racien road the size of the chaple is not yet Desided upon
nor the form of It But we have an Idea of haveing it 40
feet by 30 and basement story under the Chaple for a
sabath School if we can raise sufficient funds I have
Drawn a plan for one of that Dimensions the end of the
Building to form the front the interior of the chaple will
be in this form theire would be a loft on the end which
forms the front which would take about 10 feet in

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