Ardrey, Robert, American Agricultural Implements. Chicago: by
  the author, 1894.
Bohn, Belle Cushman. "Hop Culture in Early Sauk County."
  Wisconsin Magazine of History 18 (1935): 389-93.
Buck, Solon J. The Granger Movement. Lincoln: University of
  Nebraska Press, 1913.
Butterfield, C.W., ed. History of Columbia County. Chicago:
  Western History Publishing Co., 1880.
          ed. History of Green County. Springfield, Illinois: Union
  Publishing Co., 1884.
Crawford. History of Iowa County. Chicago: Northwestern His-
  torical Press, 1913.
Engle, Martha S., and Hopkins, Andrew W. The Prairie and Its
  People. University of Wisconsin, Bulletin of the College of
  Agricultural and Life Sciences, Madison, 1956.
  Ficker, Christian Frogatt. "Friendly Adviser to All Who Would
  Emigrate to America." Wisconsin Magazine of History 25
  (1941): 345-46.
  Fish, N.S. "The History of the Silo in Wisconsin." Wisconsin
  Magazine of History 8 (1924): 160-68.
  Gard, Robert E. This Is Wisconsin. Madison: Wisconsin House,
           University/Madison/U.S.A. Madison: Wisconsin
   House, 1970.
 _       , and Sorden, L.G. Wisconsin Lore. New York: Duell,
   Sloan and Pearce, 1961.
 Glover, William. Farm and College. Madison: University of Wis-
   consin Press, 1961.
 Gordon, Newton S., ed. History of Barron County. Minneapolis:
   H.C. Cooper, Jr. & Co., 1922.
 Kane, Lucile. "Northern Wisconsin Settlement." Wisconsin Mag-
   azine of History 40 (1956-57): 91-98.
 Libby, Orin G. "A Study of the Greenback Movement, 1876-
   1884." Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences,
   Art and Letters, vol. 12, 1898.
 Luchsinger, John. "The Planting of the Swiss Colony at New
   Glarus, Wisconsin." Collections of the State Historical Society
   of Wisconsin, vol. 12.
 Luther, E.L. "Farmers' Institutes in Wisconsin, 1885-1933." Wis-
   consin Magazine of History 30 (1946): 59-61.
 McCormick, Cyrus. The Century of the Reaper. Boston: Hough-
   ton Mifflin, 1931.
 Merk, Frederick. Economic History of Wisconsin During the Civil
   War. Madison: State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1916.

Quaife, Milo M. An English Settler in Pioneer Wisconsin. Madi-
  son: State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1918.
          Wisconsin, Its History and People. Chicago: S.J. Clark,
Stevens, J.V. "The Pioneer Wisconsin Family Physician." Wis-
  consin Magazine of History 17 (1934): 383-86.
Swingle, F.B. "The Invention of the Twine Binder." Wisconsin
  Magazine of History 10 (1926): 35-41.
Thwaites, Ruben G. Wisconsin. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1908.

The author also consulted bulletins and statistical reports of the
Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, the Wisconsin College of
Agriculture, and the Cooperative Extension Service; various vol-
umes of the Wisconsin Blue Book, including J.Q. Emery's ac-
count of agriculture and dairying in Wisconsin, in 1925, and
Harold Groves' account of consumer cooperatives, in 1937; pub-
lications of the Wisconsin Dairymen's Association, the Farmers'
Institutes, the Wisconsin Agricultural Society, the Wisconsin
Horticultural Society, and the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences,
Arts and Letters; and the files of The Wisconsin Farmer and The
Wisconsin Agriculturist and Farmer.

    Persons Interviewed for My Land, My Home, My Wisconsin
 Arvid Ackerson, Henry Acten, Henry Ahigren, Clara Allen, John
 Allen, Esther Anderson, George Baumeister, Bess Bartlett, Olga
 Best, Ben Blascha, Hilbert Bork, Minna Breitsmann, Margaret
 Burman, Walter Bussiwitz, Leta Cairns, Pat Carlone, Max Carpen-
 ter, Mary Collins, Ina Curtis, Lenora Dohn, Mary Dott, Leo Henry
 Finger, Elvina Floistad, Lizzie Ford, Gladys Foster, Ernest Frank-
 hauser, Alfred Freeman, Anastasia Furman, Laura Goode, Roger
 Greene, Elsa Guetzloff, Carl Gunderson, Ed Haberman, Henel
 Haberman, Ted Hagen, Kitty Hepke, Hazel Herrick, Albert Hop-
 kins, Mae Isbel, Verna Jessen, Bert Jones, Lloyd Kelly, George
 Kendall, Percy Knoll, Al Kronke, Doris Kronke, Elling Lindstrom,
 Orville Long, Louis Mait, Elizabeth McCoy, Don McDowell, Sybille
 Mitchell, Carl Munz, Walter Nickel, Charles Orvis, Paul Paulson,
 Theodore Peterson, Everett Phillips, Mary Phillips, P.C. Phillips,
 Robert Ramsdell, Mary Grady Dee Rannetsberger, Ruby Ratzloff,
 Frances K. Reed, Carl Reifer, George Rueth, Fred Schroeder,
 Evelyn Skinner, Dwight Smith, Marion Smith, Ole Scholt, Anna
 Solum, Henry Solum, Milo Swanton, Gertrude Thomas, Al Vesper,
 Agnes Weigen, James Weigen, Myrtle T. Whipple, Jesse William-
 son, Nick Zappa.