Annual Board 6/6/75         -29 
Regent Fish reported that the Committee had reviewed the status of 
projects report, and that there was nothing unusual to report in that area.

Regent Fish moved adoption of the following resolution, and the motion 
was seconded by Regent DeBardeleben: 
Resolution 1043: 
That, upon recommendation of the Chancellors of the UW 
Center System and UW-Extension and the President of the UW 
System, authority be granted to lease the following pro- 
2,187 leased square feet of space (1,765 sq. ft. - UW Cen- 
ter System; 422 sq. ft. - UW-Extension) in a building 
located at 905 Uni~rsity Avenue, Madison. 
Fir$  Wisconsin National Bank, Lessor, First Wisconsin 
Plaza, 1 South Pinckney Street, Madison, Wisconsin 53701 
The lease covers the period 7 4-75 through 6-30-76 with a 
one-year renewal option for the 1,765 lease square feet 
occupied by the UW Center System. The annual lease cost 
is $11,481.75 ($5.25 per leased square foot, which in- 
cludes utilities and custodial services). 
Regent DeBardeleben inquired if this is the same rate or if it is a 
new lease. Regent Fish responded that it is a new lease; and that, of the
amount, $9,266.25 is Center System money and $2,115.50 is to be furnished
University Extension. Regent DeBardeleben inquired if we are leasing other

space in the building and was advised that we are not. 
The question was put on Resolution 1043, and it was voted. 
Regent Fish noted that the next resolution relates to a dormitory not 
presently required for student housing in the Fall of 1975-76 but which may
required in the future and that is the reason for the short-term lease. He

noted that it provides an opportunity for the University to recover $50,000

toward dormitory debt amortization. 
Regent Fish moved adoption of the following resolution, the motion was 
seconded by Regent Zancanaro, and it was voted: 
Resolution 1044: 
That, upon recommendation of the UW-Stevens Point Chancel- 
lor and the President of the TM System, the Vice President 
for Administration be aut orized to sign an agreement with 
Camp Chileda, Inc., Chila Institute Division, a Wiscon- 
sin non-profit organizaon, for -lease of Steiner Hall 