*2.4 WW~ lihinimp 6. ftiftb W&. MU AWAV8 In & 1P1 
4  Easrn Av W  (1921) STREET GUIDE 
th AV 
810 Claudf, Montanys 
Cester av Interseets 
1002 Ait Bolko 
1104 Charles Rholneck 
1111 Chas Henning 
Alfred Lagerman 
1122 Frank W Freiman 
1123 Wminnmg 
a =en.. Intersects 
1202 Joe Preston 
Mrs Ernstine McGill 
1214 Charles Rechert 
1220 Gustav Woltgram 
1221 Fred K Dean 
1202 Gottllb Fuelleman 
1308 Paul Woltgram 
1311 Mrs Mary Fornocker 
8 Chatham Intereets 
ELIZABETH, frem 61 N 
Washilati w to Oak Kill av 
1218 Beni Roou 
1214 Roy K Smith 
1215 Jon H Gateley 
N Peerl ttrseets 
1302 John W Tibbals carp 
James R Payne 
1308 Llntord Laurence 
1314 Henry Frodendall 
Fern W Stendel 
1320 Mehl Rabyor 
Edward Kiletoth 
John G Babyor 
Joseoh Mullian 
1420 Wasley Delamter 
George H Smith 
ELLIOTT, fron 1440 Deloft av 
w to Alphons" p 
121 John P Payne 
309 Bernard Ter Meath 
283 Henry H Knox 
Ross Knox 
MeKy bld Intersects 
EBLM. rn 110 Court s to 
FIFTHI (N), kern 469 N Zabm 
e % blk and a to glen 
112 Henry Saunders 
FIFTH AT, frm 7M1 Preepet 
Mv a to Bhim av 
201 Wm H Smith 
Real Etate and Loam 
CIINNA M 2LOCK 25 W. MEWAUK ST. Te. b 2, a C 141 
305 Mrs Gertrude C Rowe 
Mrs Emily Mo~ouai, 
4tlt cv Intweets 
405 Alvah R Lloyd 
410 Irving J Waggoner 
Chas J Sohottle 
411 Chao Doheny 
415 Goo V Gray mus tchr 
Mrs Martha L Gray 
Raymond J Mason 
420 Franc s   Buss 
421 Mrs Clam   Caseon 
Jno Guernsey 
426 Morris T Cheer 
Fred H Green 
427 John W Heflins 
432  dw H Krueor 
Jno F Yahn 
43 Eugene A Ambrose 
439 Horace Wilkins 
444 Otto P Grube 
Justin S Hill 
Glen inteses 
509 Gabriel F Ludden 
512 Samuel Dalsey 
John J Hoefler 
614 Thus Kneeland 
516 Wm T Soofleld 
520 Herman Miller 
523 Mise  Coon 
George W Divan 
526 Fred H Gren 
Gustave W Rlebe 
Lo a ileming 
529 J Chas Strickler 
582 John R Mitchell 
Fred Stroh 
G Theo Carroll 
586 Ainold H Fuchs plmbr 
538 G Wm Richter 
U39 F a s Nimmer 
N1ysi Imsieet 
603 Herman G Chatfield 
608 Wills N Cash 
614 Fred G Boettoher 
615 en F Moore 
19 Herman W Kramer 
620 Herman 0 Trielof 
U  ,dw P Hooking 
626 LeslIe J Boner 
629 Carl Roen 
702 Jno C SohIferl 
Earl A Barker